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北京颐和园-(英文版) 版权信息

北京颐和园-(英文版) 本书特色

There are causes and effects behind the trends of all ages, which seem to contain unavoidable factors. Fortunately, in our times, an awareness of national culture has grown in China as well. And it is in the modern spirit of pursuing scholarly studies to collect material objects and do research about the past Efforts should be made today to seek new development in the bloodstream of tradition. As Chinese buildings represent a kind of engineering technology that lasted for over two thousand years, they form an independent art system. The Chinese culture finds its expression in many buildings, which constitute a large portion of the Chinese art legacy. We must respect the brilliant ancient Chinese culture, we cannot afford to neglect researching the history of these Chinese buildings if we are determined to rejuvenate our nation and carefully sort out and protect the cultural relics of our past generations. If we attempt to awaken society by providing objective academic research, we can contribute to protecting cultural relics and can gradually reduce the damage to them. Even if such a work is a force against the trend of times, there must be no delay, as it is similar to rescuing valuable articles and precious paintings from a raging fire. It is a sacred duty to cherish and protect these valuable Chinese cultural relics. ——Liang Sicheng

北京颐和园-(英文版) 内容简介

    《中国古代建筑知识普及与传承系列丛书·北京古建筑五书:北京颐和园(英文版)》分为上下两篇,上篇为前身清漪园的建造过程与历史背景、整体山水构架、建筑布局与庭园的风光,以及造园的意境手法。其中乾隆年间的盛世风华,洋溢在字里行间,甚至于乾隆对于西湖胜景的偏爱,对海外仙山的向往,以及对造园的出尔反尔,都被亦庄亦谐地笔调,细致地摹写下来,兴致盎然。然而笔锋陡转,历史兴衰,清漪园的奢华胜景,顷刻间在兵焚战火中化为齑粉,令人心生民族的慨叹。   下篇包括颐和园重建过程与历史背景,以及颐和园的帝后生活空间,及至现今的名胜景区。自从家国危难之际,慈禧挪用海军军费重建了颐和园以后,颐和园便背负了过于沉重的意义,湖光山色、亭台楼阁,再不复单纯的自然与艺术之美,砖石土木亦散发着历史的人文味道。  

北京颐和园-(英文版) 目录

a brief introduction to the summer palace
part ⅰ the clear ripple garden
chapter ⅰ the construction process and historical background
[1] an imperial order from emperor qianlong
[2] the um hill and the west lake
[3] the clear ripple garden
[4) the motivation for the project
[5] the gigantic project
chapter ⅱ the general layout and spatial structure
[1] the west lake obsession
[2] the landform reconstruction
[3] the six bridges of west causeway
[4] the lingering flavors of graceful qiantang
[5] fusion of hill sceneries and waterscapes
chapter ⅲ the court area and front hill buildings

北京颐和园-(英文版) 作者简介

