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会计审计专业英语-第2版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787111388036
  • 条形码:9787111388036 ; 978-7-111-38803-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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会计审计专业英语-第2版 本书特色


会计审计专业英语-第2版 内容简介

本书与当前国际会计协调发展的趋势相适应,突出国际会计审计准则的*新进展。全书共分为五个部分,分别介绍了会计的基本概念和基本程序,国际会计准则下财务会计的基本处理方法,国际上常用的成本与管理会计方法,国际会计的内容和国际会计的协调发展,以及*新的国际审计准则下的审计基本框架。内容全面,使会计审计工作人员和财经专业的学生既能了解国际会计审计的*新发展,又能熟练掌握会计审计英语。每章开头和结尾分别设有小案例和知识扩展,以引导学生深入思考。 本书适用于会计类相关专业的本科高年级学生、研究生及MBA学生;对商务英语相关专业的学生而言也是一本很好的参考教材。

会计审计专业英语-第2版 目录

推荐序 前 言 Part 1 Accounting Principle会计原理 Chapter 1 Accounting and Its Environment会计与环境 小案例Mini Case2 正文Text2 1.1 Nature and Content of Accounting2 1.2 Objectives of Financial Reporting5 1.3 Underlying Assumptions7 1.4 Accounting Basis8 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions9 知识扩展More Knowledge9 Chapter 2 Accounting Concepts and Principles会计概念与原则 小案例Mini Case11 正文Text11 2.1 Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Accounting Information11 2.2 Elements of the Financial Statements15 2.3 Recognition and Measurement Principles18 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions20 知识扩展More Knowledge20 Chapter 3 Financial Statements财 务 报 表 小案例Mini Case22 正文Text22 3.1 Statement of Financial Position23 3.2 Statement of Comprehensive Income25 3.3 Statement of Changes in Equity27 3.4 Statement of Cash Flows29 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions31 知识扩展More Knowledge32 Chapter 4 The Accounting Cycle会计循环 小案例Mini Case36 正文Text36 4.1 Accounting Equation and Double-Entry Bookkeeping37 4.2 Accounting Cycle39 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions50 知识扩展More Knowledge50 Part 2 Financial Accounting财务会计 Chapter 5 Current Assets流动资产 小案例Mini Case54 正文Text54 5.1 Cash and Current Receivables55 5.2 Inventory57 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions61 知识扩展More Knowledge62 Chapter 6 Investments,Plant Assets and Intangibles投资、固定资产 与无形资产 小案例Mini Case64 正文Text64 6.1 Investments in Equity and Debt Securities64 6.2 Plant Assets and Intangibles67 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions71 知识扩展More Knowledge72 Chapter 7 Liabilities负债 小案例Mini Case74 正文Text74 7.1 Current Liabilities74 7.2 Bonds Payable and Convertible Bonds76 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions79 知识扩展More Knowledge80 Chapter 8 Owners'Equity所有者权益 小案例Mini Case81 正文Text81 8.1 Contributed Capital81 8.2 Retained Earnings84 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions88 知识扩展More Knowledge88 Chapter 9 Performance经营成果 小案例Mini Case90 正文Text90 9.1 Income90 9.2 Expenses94 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions95 知识扩展More Knowledge96 Chapter 10 Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析 小案例Mini Case98 正文Text98 10.1 Framework for Financial Statement Analysis99 10.2 Techniques of Analysis100 10.3 Ratio Analysis104 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions108 知识扩展More Knowledge108 Part 3 Cost and Management Accounting成本与管理会计 Chapter 11 Elements of Cost成本要素 小案例Mini Case112 正文Text112 11.1 Materials and Labor114 11.2 Manufacturing Overheads116 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions122 知识扩展More Knowledge122 Chapter 12 Costing Systems成本核算系统 小案例Mini Case124 正文Text124 12.1 Job Costing and Process Costing125 12.2 Absorption and Marginal Costing129 12.3 Activity Based Costing132 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions134 知识扩展More Knowledge134 Chapter 13 Management Accounting管理会计 小案例Mini Case135 正文Text135 13.1 Cost Behavior and CVP Analysis136 13.2 Standard Costing and Variance Analysis139 13.3 Master Budgets143 13.4 Performance Measurement145 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions148 知识扩展More Knowledge149 Part 4 International Accounting国际会计 Chapter 14 International Accounting Harmonization国际会计协调 小案例Mini Case154 正文Text154 14.1 Advantages of International Accounting Harmonization154 14.2 Applicability of International Standards155 14.3 Major International Organizations Promoting Accounting Harmonization157 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions160 知识扩展More Knowledge161 Chapter 15 International Accounting Standards Board国际会计准则 理事会 小案例Mini Case163 正文Text163 15.1 Organization of International Accounting Standards Board164 15.2 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements166 15.3 Core Standards by International Accounting Standards Committee168 15.4 IFRSs and US GAAP170 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions171 知识扩展More Knowledge171 Chapter 16 Special Accounting Treatments in Multinational Corporations跨国公司的特殊业务会计处理 小案例Mini Case174 正文Text174 16.1 Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations174 16.2 Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements177 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions182 知识扩展More Knowledge183 Part 5 Audit审计 Chapter 17 Audit Framework审计框架 小案例Mini Case186 正文Text186 17.1 Agency and Nature of Audit186 17.2 Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct190 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions194 知识扩展More Knowledge194 Chapter 18 Collecting Audit Evidence收集审计证据 小案例Mini Case199 正文Text199 18.1 Risk-based Audit200 18.2 Internal Control Systems204 18.3 Understanding the Entity and its Environment206 18.4 Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement207 18.5 Responding to the Risk Assessment208 18.6 Tests of Controls and Substantive Procedures209 18.7 Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence212 18.8 Revenue System213 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions217 知识扩展More Knowledge218 Chapter 19 External Auditors Report对外审计报告 小案例Mini Case220 正文Text220 19.1 Types of Audit Opinions and Auditors Report220 19.2 Format and Content of External Auditors Report223 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions231 知识扩展More Knowledge231 参考文献232

会计审计专业英语-第2版 作者简介

