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度假天堂-魂.梦(山水) 版权信息

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度假天堂-魂.梦(山水) 内容简介

水有情兮山有灵 无论是漫山叠翠还是波光湛蓝,在风景如画的度假区中,等待您的是永远难忘的经历…… 坐落于海岸边的度假酒店拥有充足的光线和美丽迷人的大海,散发着周边环境的天然魅力。从细软绵长的沙滩到湛蓝无比的海洋,从轻抚肌肤的阳光到沁人 心脾的海风,都带给人们极大的幸福感。所有的烦恼在这些真实得有些虚幻的美景面前,瞬间化为乌有。海滨度假不仅带给人们在清澈温暖的海水中畅游的 酣畅,也带来了在沙滩懒散地消磨时光时的惬意。 夕阳西下,一望无际的蓝色海边,漫步在洁白柔细的沙滩上望着落日渐渐西沉,将大海染得通红,直到那片红色完全消逝在地平线上……然而海的气息依然 无所不在,侵蚀着神经。那不是香水、脂粉或世间任何其它的气息,而是混合了蔚蓝大海和世代繁衍于此的无数动植物的气息。 从阴郁、狂风暴雨到晴空万里,此刻*令人难忘的是大海那迷人的一抹蓝,空气中充斥着浪漫的元素。这时,无论是坐在酒店美丽的餐厅中就餐,还 是在海边的帐篷下喝着咖啡,心中一切所有希望的享受都会在这里得到实现。 同样,依山而建的度假村也可以带领您重返大自然的怀抱。山石嶙峋,建筑错落有致,山间美景尽收眼底。漫步山中小道,山腰云雾缭绕,令人如梦似幻。 清脆的鸟鸣声,潺潺的溪水声,还有山风从耳畔轻轻掠过,仿佛置身寂静山林,倾听天籁之音。 到了傍晚,灯火盈盈,傲立山上可以笑看众生,俨然有着入世又出世的飘逸。奢华的度假胜地则被风景如画的山脉和丛林包围,奢华而不张扬,雅 致美观,惬意自然。古典石砌墙和深色木梁,以及各种舒适的设施,如室内游泳池、朦胧的灯光、休闲餐厅和可供远眺的落地窗等,为人们提供了温馨舒 适的旅行归宿。 在紧张的工作之后,在溪水的冲洗、绿叶的遮护及森林潺潺流水与虫鸣的安谧祥和中,尽情地呼吸大自然的气息,获得躯体的松弛、心的宁静,从大自然中汲取 永无穷尽的力量,尽情享受大自然赋予的原始风味。 绮丽迷人的大自然风光美得令人窒息,在这样一个仿佛不食人间烟火的世界里,可以洗涤都市人燥热疲惫的灵魂,然后带着完全放松的身躯到达通往天堂的入口……

度假天堂-魂.梦(山水) 目录

Stowe Mountain Lodge 斯托山庄 Charming Resort 魅力山庄 For over a century Stowe has attracted the world's most discerning travelers, who have cherished the beauty of the area's covered bridges, sparkling lakes, rambling woodlands and majestic peaks. 在过去的一个世纪里,斯托山庄吸引了许多来自世界各地的游客到此欣赏美丽的廊桥、波光粼粼的湖泊、漫无边际的林地和雄伟的山峰之美。 VILLA Upama Villa Upama酒店 Energy-saving Innovation 环保创意 Sanur has long history of the Balinese Modern Architecture development, started from the ideas of Donald Friend, an England artist who adopted Traditional Balinese Architecture to his projects. 沙努尔当地的巴厘式现代建筑的发展历史悠久,要从英国一位艺术家Donald Friend的传统的巴厘式建筑理念谈起。 The St.Regis Lhasa Resort 拉萨瑞吉度假酒店 Celestial Hall 云端琼楼 The St. Regis Lhasa Resort is the first international luxury hotel in Tibet, opened on November 15, 2010. 拉萨瑞吉度假酒店是西藏首家国际奢华品牌五星级酒店,于2010年11月15日开业。 One & Only “独一无二”度假村 Ideal Habitat 理想栖息 Set in some of the most beautiful locales in the world, a rare collection of jewel-like resorts embraces individually authentic styles and personalities born of their local culture. 许多罕见的宝石般的度假村都集中在一些世界上*美丽的环境之中,环绕独特的正宗风格和本土文化特性。 The Fairmont Banff Springs 费尔蒙班夫温泉城堡酒店 Luxury & Dissipation 纸醉金迷 The Bavarian Cottage-style building was established in 1927 which was once used as the Banff Springs Clubhouse and is set on the edge of the Golf Course and the Spray River. 这栋巴伐利亚家庭作坊式建筑建于1927年,曾经是班夫温泉会所,位于高尔夫球场和Spray河边缘。 Echo Valley Resort and Spa 回音谷度假村&温泉 Wandered Aimlessly 漫步乡村 Formed through a series to tectonic collisions and extreme weather patterns, the Coastal Mountains are not only a dramatic backdrop to the Echo Valley landscape, they represent an unusual legacy of glacial ages that also includes grassy bench lands along the Fraser River and deeply trenched gorges of the Fraser Canyon. 海岸山脉经过一系列地壳碰撞和极端天气所形成的,它不仅是回音谷生动的景观背景,而且它们代表着冰川世纪里不同寻常的遗产,也包括弗雷则河边的草地上的长椅和弗雷则河峡谷深深的的沟槽。 Resort at Squaw Creek 斯阔溪度假村 Resplendent & Majestic 巍峨雄峻 Resort at Squaw Creek, an AAA Four-Diamond resort, is ideally situated at the base of Squaw Valley USA, home of the 1960 Winter Olympics. It had completed an extensive, $53 million renovation in 2007. 斯阔溪度假村坐落于美国斯夸谷,是1960年冬季奥运会的主场地,属于3A四钻度假村。2007年,该项目完成了耗资5,300万美元的装修。 Miramonte Resort & Spa Miramonte度假村及温泉 California Style 加州风情 The Miramonte, a Contemporary Mediterranean Estate, lies at the foothills of the majestic Santa Rosa Mountains. Located in Southern California, in the Palm Springs Desert resort community of Indian Wells, Miramonte Resort & Spa offers guests a true luxury spa resort experience found nowhere else. Miramonte度假村属于现代地中海地产,坐落在雄伟的圣塔罗萨山山麓之间,是加州南部印第安维尔斯棕榈泉沙漠度假村协会的成员之一。Miramonte度假村为客人提供了真正豪华的水疗度假体验。 Badrutt's Palace 巴德吕特皇宫酒店 Tremendous Momentum 气势恢宏 In 1856 Johannes Badrutt took over the 12-bed Pension Faller in St. Moritz and upgraded it into a hotel with the name Engadiner Kulm (today's Kulm Hotel). 1856年Johannes Badrutt在圣莫里茨接管了已拥有12间客房的小旅馆。之后将其升级为酒店,并命名为Engadiner Kulm(即今天的Kulm酒店)。 Suncadia Resort Suncadia度假村 Wonderful Holiday 乐趣无穷 Suncadia is owned by subsidiaries of JELD-WEN, PacTrust and Lowe Enterprises. JELD-WEN is the world's leading maker of premium windows, doors and millwork. PacTrust is one of the Northwest's largest real estate developers and investment property owners. Suncadia曾由JELD-WEN、PacTrust和Lowe企业的子公司管理。 JELD- WEN在门、窗和木制品行业是世界领先的生产商。PacTrust是西北地区*大的房地产开发商和投资商之一。 The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise 费尔蒙露易斯湖城堡酒店 Passion Collision 激情碰撞 Named for the intrepid explorer who first discovered Lake Louise, it explores the finest in Canadian cuisine, fresh regional ingredients and innovative dishes in the Tom Wilson Dining Room. 该项目为纪念勇敢的探险家首次发现露易斯湖而命名,它提供加拿大美食、新鲜的当地材料和汤姆威尔逊餐厅的新颖菜式。 Hotel Toriba Toriba酒店 Exert Intelligence 挥洒色彩 Having been built in 1943, it has modernized its facilities but preserved their original features, a pleasant atmosphere and traditional hospitality, always with a personal touch and a cozy atmosphere. 该酒店建于1943年,拥有现代化设施,但保留其原有的愉快氛围和传统热情的接待,及带有个人色彩的舒适氛围。 The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge 费尔蒙杰士伯公园度假木屋 Beyond Compare 无与伦比 Saluting the history of Jasper, the local pub celebrates the innovation and vision of the Brewster Brothers, who, in the early 1900's, pitched a group of tents on the shores of the entrancing Lac Beauvert and aptly named it Tent City. 和鼎鼎大名的班芙泉城堡饭店、露易丝湖城堡饭店一样,杰士伯公园度假木屋也是由费尔蒙特酒店集团管理的。这些酒店拥有着得天独厚的地理位置和悠久的历史。杰士伯公园度假木屋的历史开始于布鲁斯特兄弟的创新和远见,在20世纪初期,他们在Lac Beauvert(法语“美绿湖”)湖边搭建了一组帐篷,并将其命名为帐篷城。 Chateau Mcely Chateau Mcely城堡酒店 Love Castle 倾情古堡 The baroque chateau was built at the end of the 17th century on the site of a former Celtic settlement above the village of Mcely. At first it served as a hunting lodge because of the great wealth of game in the surrounding forests, but later it became the permanent country residence for several significant European noble families. 巴洛克式的城堡建于17世纪末,位于前凯特人殖民地。起初,它只是森林中的一间狩猎的小屋,后来则成为几个显赫的欧洲贵族的永久住宅。 Thorngrove manor hotel 桑格罗夫庄园酒店 Inspired Collision 灵感碰撞 Thorngrove Manor Hotel has been a member of the prestigious Small Luxury Hotels of the World since 1995, ensuring a commitment to excellence. 自1995年以来,桑格罗夫庄园酒店已成为享誉盛名的世界小型豪华酒店之一,并追求卓越。 Monmouth Plantation 蒙默斯普兰塔寻酒店 Nature Touch 悠游自然 The contemporary landscape architecture was researched and designed with an eye to authenticity in hopes of capturing the plantation's original splendour. 通过对当代景观建筑学的研究和对原始种植园的假想,设计师*终设计出这一环境优美、风景怡人的花园式酒店。 Arizona Grand Resort 亚利桑那度假酒店 Vibrant Life 活力人生 Sam Grossman, founder of Grossman Company Properties, purchased Arizona Grand Resort in 2006 and immediately saw the potential for greatness. 格罗斯曼地产公司的创始人山姆格罗斯曼,于2006年购买了亚利桑那州大酒店,并看到其极大的潜力。 Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club 费尔蒙肯尼亚山狩猎度假村 Fresh Excitement 新鲜刺激 Everyone agrees that Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club Nanyuki is an exclusive retreat. Situated some one hundred and ninety kilometers north of Nairobi, on the slopes of Mt Kenya, it has a reputation for relaxed elegance. 众所周知,费尔蒙肯尼亚山狩猎度假村是一个独特的度假圣地,位于内罗毕以北190千米处。它坐落于肯尼亚山的斜坡上,因其轻松优雅而闻明。 Pacific Highlands Ranch Recreation Center 太平洋高地牧场娱乐中心 Imaginary Plateau 高地仙境 Pacific Highlands Ranch is a primarily residential community of 2,652 acres (1,073 ha) located in northern San Diego, California. 太平洋高地牧场位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥市北部的2 652英亩的住宅区。 Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain 鸽子山丽思卡尔顿酒店 Serene Beauty 宁谧之美 The history of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. originates with The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The standards of service, dining and facilities of this Boston landmark serve as a benchmark for all Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts worldwide. 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团的历史起源于波士顿丽思卡尔顿酒店,具有里程碑意义的服务、餐饮和设施标准已成为所有丽思卡尔顿酒店及全球度假村的基准。 Royal Palms Resort and Spa 皇家棕榈度假村 Serene Beauty 尊贵典范 Originally built in 1929 as a summer retreat for Cunard Steamship executive and financier Delos Cooke, the resort underwent a multimillion dollar restoration, re-opening in the summer of 1997. 该项目始建于1929年,作为丘纳德船长和Delos Cooke金融家的避暑胜地,它经历过数百万美元的改造工程,在1997年夏天重新开放。 Angsana Riads Collection Morocco Angsana Riads Collection Morocco 酒店 Titled Family 贵族之家 Angsana Riads Collection Morocco consists of six heritage riads in the precincts of Old Medina. The riads create an aristocratic ambience with a central courtyard, spacious rooms, hammam, a fireplace, and roof terraces. 该酒店位于麦地那老城的周边地区,包括6栋遗留下来的摩洛哥传统房子——Raids。Raids均配有中央庭院、宽敞的房间、浴室、壁炉和屋顶平台,散发出贵族的气息。 Fairmont Mara Safari Club 费尔蒙马拉狩猎度假村 Hunting Time 伺机狩猎 In 1989, the owners saw potential for a luxury tented camp in this space and set out a plan to build 40 tents with a rustic main building and facilities that would rival the best camps in the Masai Mara and the Serengeti. 1989年,业主看到这一地区可建立豪华帐篷营地的潜力,并计划建立一个拥有40个帐篷的质朴建筑及设施,可与马赛马拉和塞伦盖蒂*好的营地相媲美。 Exploreans Ara Rianta Camp 马拉探险Rianta营地 Camping Holidays 露宿营地 Planhotel SA is an international hotel management company based in Lugano, Switzerland, operating in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years. The company is specialized in all inclusive beach resorts, safari lodges and charming city hotels. Planhotel SA是国际酒店管理公司,总部设在瑞士的卢加诺,在酒店业经营超过20年。该公司是一家专业从事专业服务的海滩度假胜地、包括Safari小屋和迷人的城市酒店。 The Kirawira Luxury Tented Camp Kirawira豪华账蓬度假村 Unique Vision 另类视觉 The Serena Group comprises a collection of 32 luxury resorts, safari lodges and hotels, which are located in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Mozambique) and Southern Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan). Serena集团包括32个豪华度假村、旅馆和酒店,分别位于东非(肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、卢旺达、乌干达、莫桑比克)和南亚(巴基斯坦、阿富汗、塔吉克斯坦)。 Larsens Camp Larsens 帐蓬酒店 Mystery Landscape 私密风景 The Samburu National Reserve is located on the banks of the Ewaso Ng'iro River in Kenya; on the other side of the river is the Buffalo Springs National Reserve in Northern Kenya. 桑布鲁国家自然保护区位于肯尼亚Ewaso Ng'iro河床边,河对岸是肯尼亚北部的水牛泉国家自然保护区。 Hoshinoya Kyoto 虹夕诺雅京都 Surrealist World 幽玄世界 Once said to have been a library/residence for the wealthy Kyoto merchant Ryoi Suminokura, this picturesque retreat first became a ryokan some 100 years ago.Our theme now is a stay that combines the privacy of a residence with the refined culture of Kyoto. 相传这里曾是京都富商角仓了以家的书斋兼居住地的水滨私邸,大约100年前成为旅馆。这次的设计主题是,在有私密感的宅邸度假时也依然能够享受经过了千年洗炼的京都文化。 Hoshinoya Karuizawa 虹夕诺雅轻井泽温泉酒店 Inspiring Experience 如沐春风 Hoshino Hot Springs was founded by prominent silk merchant, Kasuke Hoshino the Second. In 1914, a shrine-like bath house was erected under the skilled craftsmanship of temple builders that also offered lodgings to its visitors. 星野温泉*初的建立由广泛从事生丝业经营的第二代?星野嘉助完成。大正3年(1914年),建造神社的师傅们建造了富有神社气氛的澡堂,并以此开了温泉旅馆。 Rosewood San Miguel de Allende 圣米格尔护城红木酒店 Secret Place 奢华秘境 At Rosewood Hotels & Resorts they are devoted to creating luxury hotels and resorts unlike any other in the world. Since 1979, the clients have bestowed each of properties with one-of-a-kind ambiance and style. 红木度假酒店集团致力于创造世界上独一无二的奢华酒店和度假村。自1979年以来,红木旗下的每一家物业都拥有为其量身打造的氛围和风格。 Les Jardins D Ines Les Jardins D Ines酒店 Romantic Heaven 情陷北非 Marrakech has the largest traditional market (souk) in Morocco and also has one of the busiest squares in Africa and the world, Djemaa el Fna. 马拉喀什有摩洛哥*大的传统市场(露天市场),也有非洲*繁忙的广场和领域—德吉马广场。 Montis Resort Montis度假村 Verdant Valley 苍翠幽谷 Pai is a small town in northern Thailand's Mae Hong Son Province, near the Myanmar border, about 50 miles/80 km north of Chiang Mai on the northern route to Mae Hong Son. It lies along the Pai River. 拜县是泰国梅丰颂的一个小镇,在缅甸边境,从清迈北到梅丰颂仅50公里至80公里。度假村位于拜河沿岸。 Sankara hotel&spa Yakushima 日本屋久岛 Taste Temptation 味蕾诱惑 Sankara hotel&spa Yakushima opened on March 31, 2010. 日本屋久岛于2010年3月31日开业。 Naked Stables Private Reserve 马场私人保护区 Miracle Place 奇迹之地 With naked home village, Naked Retreats established their reputation for designing, building and operating an accessible rural escape from the city. 在天放的乡土上,Naked Retreat设计公司建立起他们的设计、建造和经营上享誉盛名,为游客们提供一个逃离城市,回归自然的隐居之地。 Castle Hill Resort and Spa 城堡山度假村与温泉 Spiffy Time 乐享时光 Constructed at the turn of the century by wealthy Vermont governor, Allen Miller Fletcher, Castle Resort is an impressive stone showplace that attracts many visitors to Okemo Mountain from near and far. 富裕的佛蒙特州州长艾伦米勒弗莱彻在世纪之交建造了这个用石头建成的且令人印象深刻的城堡度假村,吸引了众多游客前来Okemo山欣赏。 水目录 Heritage Le Telfair Golf and Spa Resort Heritage Le Telfair高尔夫温泉度假村 Perfect Swing 酣畅挥杆 The initial concept of the VLH was a simple one, “To give visitors the opportunity to experience the Mauritian way of life during their stay on the island.” VLH*初的创业理念十分简单——让游客在毛里求斯拥有一次丰富而又难忘的经历,亲身体验当地的风俗文化。 Diamonds Star of the East 东方钻石之星 Wild Journey 狂野旅程 Planhotel SA is an international hotel management company based in Lugano, Switzerland, operating in the hospitality industry for more than 20 years. Planhotel SA总部设在瑞士的卢加诺,是一间国际酒店管理公司,经营酒店业已超过20年。 Coco Palm Bodu Hithi 波杜希蒂岛度假村 Underwater Journey 水中畅游 Coco Palm Bodu Hithi is situated on the private island of Bodu Hithi in North Male' Atoll. This island has grown natural vegetation with naturally designed sandy walkways, edged by white sandy beaches and coconut trees and surrounded by turquoise seas and isolated sand banks. Coco Palm波杜希蒂岛度假村位于北马累环礁的波杜希蒂岛度假村私人岛屿上。岛上生长着自然植被以及自然设计的沙质人行道,由白色的沙滩、椰子树、碧绿的海洋和孤立的沙洲包围着。 La Sultana La Sultana酒店 Magic City 魔幻之城 Marrakech has the largest traditional market (souk) in Morocco and also has one of the busiest squares in Africa and the world, Djemaa el Fna. The square bustles with acrobats, story-tellers, water sellers, dancers and musicians. 马拉喀什拥有非洲乃至世界上*忙碌的广场之一Djemaa el Fna广场和摩洛哥规模*大的传统集市。广场上有杂技表演的、说书的、卖水的、舞者和音乐家,处处都有熙熙攘攘的人群。 The Tongsai Grand Villas 通赛豪华别墅酒店 Eternal Charm 爱久弥新 The Tongsai Bay opened its doors in July 1987 and became the first five-star luxury hotel on Koh Samui, under the umbrella of The Imperial Hotel Group. 通塞湾酒店于1987年7月在苏梅岛开业,并成为帝国酒店集团旗下**间五星级奢华酒店。 Sivory Punta Cana Boutique Hotel Sivory蓬塔卡纳精品酒店 Sindhu Spirit 天竺之魂 It was on the stunning island of Hispaniola, green and sun-drenched mountainous, that Caribbean tourism began. 该项目位于迷人的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛,这里阳光和煦,青山叠翠,奇妙的加勒比海之旅也由此开始。 Orange County Kabini 橘子郡卡碧尼酒店 Tribe Exploration 探秘部落 In 1955, a 285 sq km area was gazetted as the Nagarhole Game Sanctuary. The same was extended in 1974 with some reserved forests from the Mysore district being added to bring the total area to the present 644 sq km. 1955年,约285平方公里的地块被划出,建立Nagarhole Game教堂。 直到1974年,原有的地块加上迈索尔地区被保留的森林,将面积扩大到现在的644平方公里。 Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa 蒙特利广场酒店和水疗中心 Memory Freeze 定格光影 Woodside Hotels is an independent collection of distinguished California hotels, restaurants and spas. They are a family-run business comprised of dedicated and passionate people who take great pride in delivering authentic hospitality and affordable luxury. 伍德赛德酒店是包含加州高档酒店、餐厅和水疗中心在内的一个家族企业集团。他们热情、敬业,为客人提供真正殷切的款待和奢华的环境。 W Retreat & Spa Bali—Seminyak 巴厘岛W度假村&水疗会所 Infatuated Bali 醉心巴厘 Where mythological deities preside over sacred temples and local legends waft through ancient palaces, the mystical and exotic history of the "Island of Gods" mingles amid a diverse secular heritage of arts, music, dances and crafts. 神话传说中的神灵住着众多神圣殿宇,而古老的宫殿讲述着当地美丽的传说,这座“诸神之岛 ”神秘而具有异国风情的历史与艺术、音乐、舞蹈和工艺品等多种经久不衰的遗产完美融汇。 Zeavola Resort 齐沃兰度假村 Gorgeous Sea-view 碧海白沙 Zeavola has created a romantic village of a bygone era set beside the clear blue waters of the Andaman Sea.Guests can relax amid nature's bounty and enjoy a simple lifestyle, enchanted by luxurious comforts and amenities. 齐沃兰度假村创造了一个浪漫的乡村,旁边是安达曼海清澈湛蓝的海水,风景怡人。客人在这里可以尽情地享受大自然的恩赐,在豪华舒适的环境中放松身心。 Sea Island(The Cloister) 海岛度假村 Affectionate Sea 拥抱大海 Sea Island, GA, originally intended as a temporary, “friendly little inn,” in 1928, the Mediterranean-style oasis of terra cotta roofs, sunlit garden patios and old-world elegance of the Forbes Five-Star Cloister make it one of the country's most beloved hotels. 海岛度假村原本作为一个临时的“友好小客栈”,于1928年,粘土屋顶建造的地中海风格式绿洲、阳光明媚的花园庭院和旧世界优雅的“福布斯”五星修道院使其成为国内*受欢迎的酒店之一。 The Fairmont Royal Pavilion 费尔蒙皇家馆 Secluded Grace 优雅隐居 Formerly named The Miramar Hotel, The Fairmont Royal Pavilion was originally built in the 1940's and was the first hotel to be constructed on the West Coast of Barbados. 该酒店的前身是美丽华酒店,费尔蒙皇家馆始建于1940年,是巴巴多斯西海岸兴建的**家酒店。 The Fairmont Southampton 费尔蒙南安普敦酒店 Snorkeling Heaven 浮潜天堂 Featuring 593 guest rooms and suites, each with a private balcony and incredible views of the ocean, the harbor or the golf course, the Southampton luxury hotel's idyllic location and luxurious amenities have been beckoning visitors to the island since 1972. 酒店拥有593间客房和套房,每间带私人阳台和惊人的大海、海港或高尔夫球场视野,南安普敦豪华酒店的田园般的位置和豪华的设施自1972年来,已召唤了无数游客到岛上度假。 The Oyster Box “牡蛎盒”酒店 Distinct Flavor 别样风味 Constructed in 1869 and originally used as navigational beacon, a beach cottage known as the 'Oyster Box', was first converted into a hotel in the 1930's. “牡蛎盒”酒店始建于1869年,*初作为航行的灯塔。在1930年由一个称为“蚝盒”的海滩平房改造成酒店。 The Fairmont Orchid 费尔蒙特兰花酒店 Fantasy Holiday 梦幻假期 The Fairmont Orchid offers a secluded beach, waterfall gardens and plenty of aloha spirit. Surrounding the hotel are five sacred mountains, the countless blue hues of the Pacific Ocean and some of the world's best golf courses. 费尔蒙特兰花酒店不仅拥有僻静而优美的海滩、美溪飞瀑的瀑布花园,同时为客人展现当地人民热忱的阿罗哈精神。酒店周围是巍峨起伏的山脉、一望无际湛蓝的太平洋海水和几个世界级的高尔夫球场。 The Twelve Apostles Hotel “十二使徒”酒店 Happy Family 共享天伦 The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa is a natural sanctuary that rolls into the rocky shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Nestled in the midst of this World Heritage Site is a haven of Cape luxury, part of the family run collection of boutique Red Carnation Hotels. 十二使徒酒店是一个天然的“庇护所”,坐落在大西洋海岸。坐落在这座世界遗产城市中,是一个名副其实的奢华度假村,一部分家庭都在经营精品红色康乃馨酒店。 Taman Ahimsa Taman Ahimsa酒店 Blowing Green 绿色风潮 This eco-conscious “retreat by the sea” is designed to enhance the gentle surroundings with the natural elements for a stay that is intended not only for a valuable holiday in Bali, but to create an organic, integral experience for contemplation, rejuvenation and nurturing among friends and family. 这个具有强烈生态保护意识的海滨度假村与周边的自然环境和谐相融,不仅为客人创造了一段有价值的巴厘岛之旅,同时也为朋友和家庭之间的思索、热情与和睦提供了安静优雅的环境。 Acqualina Resort & Spa Acqualina度假村&温泉中心 Traditional Modern 贯穿古今 Acqualina is the ultimate definition of grand estate living. Acqualina is a place where the charm of a Mediterranean villa meets elegance on the beach and is the recipient of the coveted AAA Five Diamond Award for the second consecutive year. Acqualina度假村的设计是建筑业的*高诠释。Acqualina度假村为地中海魅力别墅与海滩优雅相融合的代表作,并已连续第二年荣获令人垂涎的AAA五星钻石奖。 Ganga Kutir Resort and Spa Ganga Kutir度假村&温泉中心 Fabulous Indulgence 奢华放纵 Ganga Kutir Resort and Spa, lies along the very edge of the Ganga as it flows majestically by the pastoral hamlet of Raichak-on-Ganges, about an hour and half's drive from Kolkata, West Bengal. Ganga Kutir度假村位于恒河附近,客人们可倾听田园村庄里静静的水声。度假村距孟加拉邦西部的加尔各答仅一个半小时的车程。 InterContinental Sanya Resort 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店 Island Resort 海岛风情 The Intercontinental Sanya Resort is located along the beach of Xiao Dong Hai Bay in Sanya, on Hainan Island—China's southernmost province. The resort comprises of a Hotel with 350 rooms and related facilities. 三亚洲际度假酒店位于中国*南端——海南岛三亚湾的小东海沿岸。该度假区的酒店拥有350间客房及相关设施。 Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa 果阿柏悦温泉度假村 Tropical Harbour 热带港湾 Nestled along Arossim beach, Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa is a harmonious space reflective of local character and charm while blending in with the lush tropical landscape of Goa. 果阿柏悦温泉度假村位于Arossim海滩旁边,与周边郁郁葱葱的果阿景观结合,充分体现出当地特色和异域魅力。 Rosewood Mayakoba Rosewood Mayakoba酒店 Great Meditation 冥想空间 Rosewood Mayakoba is a luxury retreat situated along a mile of white-sand beach on the Riviera Maya in Mexico just north of Playa del Carmen. Rosewood Mayakoba酒店沿着Playa del Carmen北部墨西哥里维埃拉玛雅的白色沙滩建成,是一间奢华的海滨度假村。 Rosewood Tucker 's Point Rosewood Tucker 's Point酒店 Heaving Billows 波涛汹涌 Rosewood Tucker's Point is the centerpiece of Tucker's Point Club, Bermuda's premier resort, golf club and residential community. Rosewood Tucker's Point酒店是Tucker's Point俱乐部的核心,也是百慕大*佳度假胜地。俱乐部还包括高尔夫俱乐部和一个住宅小区。