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商务学导论-(第9版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302282709
  • 条形码:9787302282709 ; 978-7-302-28270-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务学导论-(第9版) 本书特色

《商务学导论(第9版英文版美国麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司工商管理*新教材)》编著者(美)William G.Nickels。 根据中国工商管理本科大纲要求和教学实践进行详细精简的本科英文教材,适合中国国情及国际化双轨要求的双语教学英文教材,为中国应用型商科教育发展奠定教学模式及基础的英文版商科教材。

商务学导论-(第9版) 内容简介

  《商务学导论(第9版)(英文版)》多年来在美国始终是首选的商务学入门教材,几位作者凭借自己丰富的教学经验,并广泛听取来自400多名学者以及众多学生的建议和意见,对其不断进行完善。本书无论是在提供*翔实的商务学基础知识,还是让学生能够接触到真实的企业问题方面,都是做得*好的。   《商务学导论(第9版)(英文版)》内容全面,角度新颖,适用对象广,实践指导意义强,既适合作为高等院校相关专业的教科书,也可作为内容全面的学科参考手册供相关领域的管理人员和研究人员使用。

商务学导论-(第9版) 目录

第1部分 商务趋势:在多变的全球环境中培育企业
 第1章 动态商务环境中的管理:承担风险,获取收益
 第2章 经济对商务的影响
 第3章 在全球市场上经营
 第4章 道德行为和社会责任
第2部分 企业所有权:组建小企业
 第5章 组建企业的方式
 第6章 创业与组建小企业
第3部分 企业管理:激励员工为顾客提供满意服务
 第7章 管理和领导
 第8章 使组织适应市场
 第9章 生产与运作管理
第4部分 人力资源管理:激励员工提供优质产品和服务
 第10章 员工激励

商务学导论-(第9版) 作者简介

(美国)尼克尔斯(William G. Nickels) (美国)麦克休(Susan M. McHugh) (美国)麦克休(James M. McHugh) Bill Nickels is professor emeritus of business at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has over 35 years' experience teaching graduate and undergraduate business courses, including introductory courses in business, marketing, and promotion. He has won the Outstanding Teacher on Campus Award four times and was nominated for the award many other times. He received his M.B.A. degree from Western Reserve University and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He has written a marketing communications text and two marketing principles texts in addition to many articles in business publications. He has taught many seminars to business-people on subjects like power communications, marketing, nonbusiness marketing, and stress and life management. His son, Joel, is a Professor of English at the University of Miami (Florida). Jim McHugh holds an M.B.A. degree from Lindenwood University and has had broad experience in education, business, and government. As chairman of the Business and Economics Department of St. Louis Community College/Forest Park, Jim coordinated and directed the development of the business curriculum. In addition to teaching several sections of Introduction to Business each semester for nearly 30 years, Jim taught in the marketing and management areas at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Jim enjoys conducting business seminars and consulting with small and large businesses. He is actively involved in the public service sector and served as chief of staff to the St. Louis County Executive. Susan McHugh is a learning specialist with extensive training and experience in adult learning and curriculum development. She holds an M.Ed. Degree from the University of Missouri and completed her coursework for a Ph.D. in education administration with a specialty in adult learning theory. As a professional curriculum developer, she has directed numerous curriculum projects and educator training programs. She has worked in the public and private sectors as a consultant in training and employee development. While Jim and Susan treasure their participation in the Understanding Business project, their greatest accomplishment is their collaboration on their three children, Casey, Molly, and Michael, who have all grown up regarding the text as a fourth sibling. Casey is carrying on the family's teaching tradition as an adjunct professor at Washington University. Molly and Michael offered to express their appreciation for all the tuition bills Understanding Business helped pay by working on several supplementary materials for the new edition.
