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生活之旅 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508515724
  • 条形码:9787508515724 ; 978-7-5085-1572-4
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

生活之旅 本书特色

了解中国的历程,不仅仅是仰视她呈现出的大国风范,更重要的还是在点滴生活中去体味她散发的内在魅力。只有生活中的亲密接触,才能让你真切地去感受和理解中国和中国人。 博大精深的饮食文化、崇尚自然的茶道精神、源远流长的美酒佳酿,传承千年,折射出中国人真挚热烈的情感和平和从容的气质。中国人茶余饭后的休闲娱乐更是千姿百态,而跟随天意去呵护身心,蕴含着中国人颐养天年的真谛。 此刻,中国的美食准备挑战你的味觉神经,佳茗和美酒带你回到梦中的东方,千年积淀的智慧游艺即将唤醒你沉睡的心灵,而华夏的养生之道正在为你开启关爱身体的哲学之门。这一段活色生香的中国生活之旅,等待着你来尽情地领略。

生活之旅 内容简介

Learning about China does not mean simply looking up to the big and great country as she iS presented:what's more important is feeling the charms she infuses in the real lives of the Chinese people.Only through close contact in their actual lives can a realistic Understand5ng of China and her people be gained. Extensive and profoUnd food culture,the spirit of tea drinking,vintage wine,have continued throughout the ages and still has a great effect on the Chinese people,which convey warm .genuine feelings and the tranquil and refined temperament of the Chinese nation.Leisure-time entertainment of the Chinese people is also multifold.To achieve good health and sound mind by foIlowing the will of heaven is the Chinese people's philosophy of life.

生活之旅 目录

The Real Lives of the Chinese People
Paradise for Food Lovers
Enjoying Foods in Chinese Festivals
All the Tempting Aromas from One Chafing Dish
Roast Duck-The Calling Card of Beijing Food
Chinese Dumpiings(Jiaozi)-The Most Delicious of All Food
Au Kinds of Noodles across China
The Magic of Stuffed Steamed Buns
Enjoying Breakfast The First Meal of the Day
Crab Specialties Will Be Served at Dinner When Autumn Winds Rise
Sichuan Food-The Strongest Flavors in China
Crossing the Bridge——Rice-flour Noodles in the Manner of Yunnan
Mutton with Baked Buns-The True Spirit Exclusive to the Loess Plateau
Northeast Style Dishes Are like Old Friends
Soup-Source tO a Happier Life
An Array of Dishes of the Manchu and Han Can Take Three Days to Eat
The Fragrance and Delightful Taste of Tea虾
Small Teahouses Hold A11 Things Possible under the Sun
Quality Tea Has Always Been like a Beautiful Woman
The Sweet Fragrance of Spring Wafting from Tea
The Marvel on Horseback
The Unique Fragrance of Scented Tea
Chrysanthemum Blossom and Other Flowers Used in Making Tea
Even Plain Water May Have the Scent of Tea in a Yixing Red Porcelain Teapot
Kung Fu Tea
Tea Drinking among China's 55 Ethnic Groups
Drink and Wine Cuhure
National Drink Intoxicates the World
Huangjiu-Chinese Character Matured with Age
Wine Cultures of Ethnic Groups
Drinking Etiquette
The Oriental Charms of Wine Bars
Folk Music Accompanying Social Life
Board Games
The Charm of Chinese Operas
Folk Art Forms with Local Flavor
Wuqiao,Home of Acrobatics
Flying Kites
Mysteries and Wonders in Traditional Chinese Puzzles
Various Folk Customs on the Temple Fairs
The New Era of Entertainment
Health Cuhivation
Cultivating Heahh in Accordance with the Variations of the Natural World
Cultivating Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Practice of Medicine at Home
Exercises for Externally Training the Muscles and Bones While Internally Cuhivating Qi
Food for Health Cultivation