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意识与情绪 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030280787
  • 条形码:9787030280787 ; 978-7-03-028078-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

意识与情绪 本书特色


意识与情绪 内容简介


意识与情绪 目录

意识Awareness:Functional ImagingBlindsight:Residual VisionCognition:NeuropharmacologyComaComa and Other Pathological Disorders of ConsciousnessConsciousness:Neural Basis of Conscious ExperienceConsciousness:Neurophysiology and Visual Awareness inConsciousness:PhilosophyConsciousness:Theoretical and Computational NeuroscienceConsciousness:Theories and ModelsThe AIM Model of Dreaming,Sleeping,and Waking ConsciousnessVegetative State情绪:概述Depression and the BrainEmotion in SpeechEmotion Systems and the BrainEmotion:Computational ModelingEmotional Control of the Autonomic Nervous SystemNightmaresSexual Behavior:Neuroendocrine Control情绪:厌恶Amygdala:Contributions to FearAversive Emotions:Genetic Mechanisms of SerotoninAversive Emotions:Molecular Basis of Unconditioned FearEmotion:NeuroimagingFear Conditioning and Synaptic PlasticityGenetics of Human Anxiety and Its DisordersLearned Flavor Aversions and PreferencesPanic DisorderPharmacology of Fear ExtinctionPhobia and Human EvolutionPosttraumatic Stress Disorder as an Emotional'Disorder认知与情绪Appetitive Systems:Amygdala and StriatumEmotion and VigilanceEmotional Hormones and Memory ModulationEmotional Influences on Memory and AttentionSocial Interaction Effects on Reward and Cognitive Abilities in Monkeys情绪:社会Aggression:Hormonal BasisAggression:Neurochemical and Molecular MechanismsEmotional Learning in HumansNeuroendocrinology of Social/Affiliative BehaviorPheromones in Humans and Social ChemosignalsSocial Brain:EvolutionSocial Emotion:NeuroimagingSocial Interaction奖励与奖励系统Addiction:Neurobiological MechanismConnectivity of Primate Reward CentersCortical Processing of the Reward Value of FoodDopamine: Cellular ActionsDrug Addiction:Behavioral NeurophysiologyDrug Addiction:Behavioral Pharmacology of Drug Addiction in RatsDrug Addiction:Cellular MechanismsDrug Addiction:NeuroimagingDrugs Addiction :ActionsElectrical Serf-StimulationEnergy Homeostasis:Endocannabinoid SystemGoal-Directed Behavior Theories3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA, "Ecstasy")Neuropsychology of Primate Reward ProcessesPrefrontal Contributions to Reward EncodingPsychopharmacology of Reward and Appetite in RatsRepresentation of RewardReward and LearningReward Decision-MakingReward Neurophysiology and Orbitofrontal CortexReward Neurophysiology and Primate Cerebral CortexReward Processing:Human ImagingReward Systems:HumanSerotonin-Related Psychedelic DrugsSubstance.Abuse and DependenceTranscription and Reward Systems压力与神经系统Adrenal Steroids:Biphasic Effects on NeuronsChronic(Repeated)Stress:Consequences,AdaptationsCircumventricular Organs in Neuroendocrine ControlCorticotropin-Releasing Hormone:Integration of Adaptive Responses to StressDiabetes Type 2 and Stress:Impact on Memory and the HippocampusGene Therapy and Protection from Stress-Induced Brain DamageMother-Infant Interaction in the Variable Foraging Demand ModelPosttraumatic Stress Disorder:OverviewSocial Stress in Adult PrimatesStress and CognitionStress and Neural Involvement in MetabolismStress and Neuronal PlasticityStress and Parasympathetic ControlStress and SuicideStress and Vulnerability to Brain DamageStress Response and Self-EsteemStress Response:Genetic ConsequencesStress Response:Neural and Feedback Regulation of the HPA AxisStress Response:Sex DifferencesStress,Cytokines and Depressive IllnessStress,Dopamine,and PubertyStress,Sex and Adolescent Nicotine ResponseStress,the HPA Axis and Depressive IllnessStress:Definition and HistoryStress:Homeostasis,Rheostasis, Allostasis and Allostatic LoadSympathetic Noradrenergic and Adrenomedullary Hormonal Systems in Stress and DistressSympathoadrenal System:Neural Arm of the Stress ResponseTIP39(Tuberoinfundibular Peptide of 39 Residues)原书词条中英对照表

意识与情绪 节选

《神经科学百科全书12·意识与情绪(导读版)》主要内容简介:《神经科学百科全书》原书篇幅巨大,为所有神经科学百科全书之首。由来自世界各地的2400多位专家撰稿人合力打造,覆盖了神经科学全部主要领域。每个词条在收入书中之前均经过顾问委员会的同行评议,词条中均含有词汇表、引言、参考文献和丰富的交叉参考内容。主编为著名神经科学家、美国神经科学学会前主席Larry R.Squire。内容平易,本科生即可读懂。深度和广度独一无二,足可满足专家学者的需要。导读版精选原书中的部分主题,按内容重新编排,更适合国内读者购买和阅读。

意识与情绪 相关资料

插图:Although most studies examining emotional arousalor stress effects on memory consolidation investigatedthe effects of adrenal stress hormones, emotional arous-al is known to induce the release of a variety of neuro-modulatory hormones within the brain, includingopioid peptides, r-aminobutyric acid (GABA), vaso-pressin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).Importantly, many findings have shown that intra-BLA infusions of drugs that either mimic or block theaction of these transmitter systems enhance or impairmemory for emotionally arousing training. Moreover,disruption of BLA activity prevents these drugs frominfluencing memory consolidation. One transmittersystem that is of particular interest is CRH. CRH is aneuropeptide that is released by emotional arousal intothe hypothalamus and plays a crucial role in regulatingactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocorticalaxis and circulating glucocorticoid levels. However,CRH is also released in extra-hypothalamic sites, in-cluding the amygdala as well as several other brainregions, in response to arousing or stressful stimula-tion. Blockade of endogenous CRH in the BLA withinfusions of a CRH receptor antagonist impairs mem-ory for emotionally arousing training, whereas infu-sions of CRH dose-dependently enhance memoryconsolidation. Furthermore, CRH is known also tointeract with noradrenergic mechanisms in the BLA ininfluencing memory consolidation. Thus, this evidenceindicates that BLA activation by emotional arousal isa general gateway in mediating stress hormone andneurotransmitter effects on memory consolidation.
