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新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 版权信息

新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 本书特色


新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 内容简介


新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 目录

unit one man and nature
part one text-oriented exercises
part two comprehensive exercises
unit two man and technology
part one text-oriented exercises
part two comprehensive exercises
unit three knowledge and knowledge transfer
part one text-oriented exercises
part two comprehensive exercises
unit four work and career
part one text-oriented exercises
part two comprehensive exercises
unit five fame and success
part one text-oriented exercises
part two comprehensipe exerctses

新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 节选


新世纪大学英语系列教材:综合教程(4)综合训练 相关资料

Leave space between items. Number or organize whenever you can. Put a question markwhen you get lost or confused and leave blank space (you can ask the professor for help after classor during office hours). Mark with an asterisk (*) items that you believe will be on the test. Re-member that you are creating a study book; recopying takes too long, so create a readable page. The key to creating a useful set of lecture notes is thinking. Think about what is importantin this material; think about what you need to learn; think about whether you are writing downthe main points. Leave space for your own thoughts later. Discussion classes are often great fun, but students frequently leave class without anynotes. That behavior is dangerous since we rarely remember concepts unless we write themdown and go over them, even if we have been interested in the discussion. In this type of class,the professor usually summarizes a main point when the discussion ends. Listen for those sum-maries and record them. Discussion notes tend to be shorter, and they usually do not follow anyparticular structure. Ideas are important here, not details. The purpose of problem-solving classes is simple: class time is used to solve problemsand to discuss the process of doing so. The strategy for taking good notes in such a class is towrite down not only the problem but also the verbalization of the steps. The sequence of stepsis crucial. Math, accounting, economics, finance, computer programming are all examples ofproblem-solving classes.
