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英语短篇小说选读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301171783
  • 条形码:9787301171783 ; 978-7-301-17178-3
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语短篇小说选读 目录

**章 情节1.重新做人2.猫头鹰河桥上发生的事第二章 视角3.泄密的心4.打开的窗户第三章 人物5.花园宴会6.“妈妈”造反第四章 背景7.一天的等待8.暴风雨第五章 风格9.雨中的猫10.是美女,还是老虎?第六章 主题11.花园里的独角兽12.一个干净明亮的地方第七章 象征13.咆哮营地的好运14.苍蝇第八章 反讽15.小学校长讲的故事16.一杯茶补充阅读1.派克尔泰德夫人的老虎2.天空上的骑者3.阿拉比4.胎记5.鸡蛋6.不足轻重的人7.热爱生命8.海上扁舟参考文献

英语短篇小说选读 节选


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"Hush!" said Mr. Adams, raising his trembling hand. "All be quiet for a moment.Agatha!" he called as loudly as he could. "Listen to me." During the following silencethey could just hear the faint sound of the child wildly shrieking in the dark vault ina panic of terror."My precious darling!" wailed the mother. "She will die of fright! Open thedoor! Oh, break it open! Can't you men do something?" "There isn't a man nearer than Little Rock who can open that door," said Mr.Adams, in a shaky voice. "My God! Spencer, what shall we do? That child——shecan't stand it long in there. There isn't enough air, and, besides, she'll go intoconvulsions from fright."Agatha's mother, frantic now, beat the door of the vault with her hands.Somebody wildly suggested dynamite. Annabel turned to Jimmy, her large eyes fullof anguish, but not yet despairing. To a woman nothing seems quite impossible to thepowers of the man she worships."Can' t you do something, Ralph——try, won' t you?"He looked at her with a queer, soft smile on his lips and in his keen eyes."Annabel," he said, "give me that rose you are wearing, will you?"Hardly believing that she heard him aright, she unpinned the bud from thebosom of her dress, and placed it in his hand. Jimmy stuffed it into his vest-pocket,threw off his coat and pulled up his shirt-sleeves. With that act Ralph D. Spencerpassed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place."Get away from the door, all of you," he commanded, shortly.He set his suit-case on the table, and opened it out fiat. From that time on heseemed to be unconscious of the presence of any one else. He laid out the shining,queer implements swiftly and orderly, whistling softly to himself as he always didwhen at work. In a deep silence and immovable, the others watched him as if undera spell.
