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口语机器翻译 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301171561
  • 条形码:9787301171561 ; 978-7-301-17156-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

口语机器翻译 本书特色

口语翻译(Spoken Language Translation, SLT)是指让计算机实现从一种语言的语音到另一种语言的语音自动翻译的过程。其理想目标是,让计算机像人一样充当持不同语言的说话人之间的翻译角色。会议演讲、交谈(通过电话、网络或面对面)、广播等场景下的话语翻译都是口语翻译应用的重要领域。由于多数情况下说话人的话语都以口语风格为主,人们尤其希望翻译系统可以接受并实现任意口语化的、自由交谈式的对话语音直接翻译。本书全面、系统地介绍了SLT项目研究的主要成果,内容包括语言处理与语料收集、语言覆盖性、语音处理和系统评估等各个方面,其中语言处理部分是本书的主要内容。

口语机器翻译 内容简介


口语机器翻译 目录

导读PrefaceAcknowledgementsIntroduction1.1 What This Book Is About1.1.1 Why Do Spoken Language Translation?1.1.2 What Are the Basic Problems?1.1.3 What Is It Realistic to Attempt Today?1.1.4 What Have We Achieved?1.2 Overall System Architecture1.3 An Illustrative Example1.4 In Defence of Hand-Coded Grammars1.5 Hybrid Transfer1.5.1 The Need for Grammatical Knowledge1.5.2 The Need for Preferences1.6 Speech Processing1.7 CorporaPart 1 Language Processing and CorporaTranslation Using the Core Language Engine2.1 Introduction: Multi-Engine Translation2.2 Word-to-Word Translation2.3 Quasi Logical Form2.3.1 Introduction2.3.2 Structure of QLF2.3.3 QLF as a Transfer Formalism: Examples 2.3.4 Head-Head Relations in QLF2.4 Unification Grammar and QLFs2.4.1 The CLE Unification Grammar Formalism 2.4.2 Unification Grammar Example: French Noun Phrases2.4.3 Example 2a: Clauses in Swedish2.4.4 Example 2b: Relative Clauses in Swedish 2.5 Orthographic Analysis and the Lexicon2.6 Transfer Rules2.6.1 Pre- and Posttransfer2.7 The QLF-Based Processing Path2.7.1 Linguistic Analysis2.7.2 Transfer and Transfer Preferences2.7.3 Generation2.8 SummaryGrammar Specialisation3.1 Introduction3.2 Explanation-Based Learning for GrammarSpecialisation3.2.1 A Definition of Explanation-Based Learning3.2.2 Explanation-Based Learning on Unification Grammars3.2.3 Category Specialisation3.2.4 Elaborate Cutting-Up Criteria3.3 An LR Parsing Method for Specialised Grammars 3.3.1 Basic LR Parsing3.3.2 Prefix Merging3.3.3 Abstraction3.4 Empirical Results3.4.1 Experimental Setup3.4.2 Discussion of Results3.5 ConclusionsChoosing among Interpretations4.1 Properties and Discriminants4.2 Constituent Pruning4.2.1 Discriminants for Pruning4.2.2 Deciding Which Edges to Prune4.2.3 Probability Estimates for Discriminants4.2.4 Relation to Other Pruning Methods4.3 Choosing among QLF Analyses4.3.1 Analysis Choice: An Example4.3.2 Further Advantages of a Discriminant Scheme .4.3.3 Numerical Metrics4.4 Choosing among Transferred QLFs4.5 Choosing Paths in the ChartThe TreeBanker5.1 Motivation5.2 Representational Issues5.3 Overview of the TreeBanker5.4 The Supervised Training Process5.4.1 Properties and Discriminants in Training5.4.2 Additional Functionality5.5 Training for Transfer Choice5.6 Evaluation and ConclusionsAcquisition of Lexical Entries6. 1 The Lexical Acquisition Tool, LexMake6.2 Acquiring Word-to-Word Transfer Rules6.3 Evaluation and ConclusionsSpelling and Morphology7.1 Introduction7.2 The Description Language7.2.1 Morphophonology7.2.2 Word Formation and Interfacing to Syntax7.3 Compilation7.3.1 Compiling Spelling Patterns7.3.2 Representing Lexical Roots7.3.3 Applying Obligatory Rules7.3.4 Interword Rules7.3.5 Timings7.4 Some Examples7.4.1 Multiple-Letter Spelling Changes7.4.2 Using Features to Control Rule Application7.4.3 Interword Spelling Changes7.5 Debugging the Rules……Part 2 Linguistic CoveragePart 3 Speech Processing

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口语机器翻译 作者简介

作者:(美国)瑞诺尔(Manny Rayner) (美国)卡特尔(David Carter) (美国)布伊隆(Pierrette Bouillon) 等 合著者:宗成庆
