英语大书虫世界经典名译典藏书系:中国人的精神 (英汉对照)(精选权威版本)
The secret garden
应用型大学英语教程 第3册 版权信息
- ISBN:9787118070415
- 条形码:9787118070415 ; 978-7-118-07041-5
- 装帧:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
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应用型大学英语教程 第3册 本书特色
《应用型大学英语教程(第3册)》教材特色:依据大学英语教学要求 针对普通高校教学实践。贴近学生英语接受水平 寻求合理布局易教易学。摆脱冗余重复教学环节 强调学精学会学以致用。严格坚持课文选材标准 追求时文经典匹配得体。编写层次架构系统明晰 融结构与功能自然一体。突出听说交际能力培养 阅读能力提高允许差异。强调背诵朗读基本技巧 标定每课强记咏诵句段。课文编排坚持循序渐进 练习内容紧扣课文要点。视阶段不同设相应措施 寓教于乐激发学生兴趣。引领学生积极自主学习 运用网络多种途径提高。兼顾就业应试双向目标 根据社会需求调整教学。
应用型大学英语教程 第3册 目录
应用型大学英语教程 第3册 节选
应用型大学英语教程 第3册 相关资料
插图:1 On the Oprah show, Brenda told us her story about the day she will always remem-ber. Brenda was a hard working mother, wife and principal whose routine schedule wasinterrupted one day because she had to take her daughter, Cecilia, to daycare. Most ofthe time, taking Cecilia to daycare was her husband's responsibility, but that day hehad a dentist appointment. Brenda followed her daily routine throughout the schoolday, until she realized instead of taking her two year old daughter, Cecilia, to daycare;she had left her in the boiling car for eight hours. Eventually, Cecilia died from heatstroke. Instances like this one are caused by the forgetfulness of people and the fast pace ofeveryone's lives. Honestly, I think instances like this one can happen to anyone who lives inthis backbreaking world of umpteen responsibilities. The high demand for perfection placed onus by our families and jobs become too much for a single person to handle.2 Multiple dimensions of time are covered throughout Brenda's story, but two that Iwould like to focus on are Linearity (or multitasking) and Scheduling. The definition ofmultitasking is the performance of an individual appearing to handle more than one taskat the same time. In reality, there is no way a person can handle more than one task atone time, we are constantly switching between each task. In "Meet the Life Hackers"author Clive Thompson, claims that multitasking is nothing more than many interrup-tions between tasks. Clive quotes Mary Czerwinski, one of the world's leading expertsin interruption science, who claims "the central danger of interruptions [are-] not reallythe interruption at all. " Rather, what leaves us unable to complete things "is the havoc[-interruptions-]wreak on our short term memory". People lose track of their previoustask when they start a new task This is exactly what happened to Brenda; she lost track ofone of the most valuable task she needed to complete. Brenda was too focused on her dailyroutine; she forgot her newly added task of taking her daughter to daycare. Oprah said "Au-thorities say this happens when you break the routine. " And they are right.
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