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两宋名画册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787501029860
  • 条形码:9787501029860 ; 978-7-5010-2986-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

两宋名画册 本书特色

本书收录了苏州博物馆两件一级文物《钱塘观潮图》与《消夏图》,成为中国画坛和收藏界临摹与鉴赏宋代绘画的精美宝典。精选两宋名画六十幅,涉及山水,人物,花鸟,界画等多种门类,选入故宫博物院、上海博物馆、天津市艺术博物馆、辽宁省博物馆、四川省博物馆和苏州市文物保管委员会收藏的宋代绘画册页精品60幅,其中39幅为前人各家著录所未载。全部彩色铜版印刷,活页粘贴,卡纸衬托,豪华精装,画幅尺寸接近原大。书前有编著者撰写的说明,并对每幅画的作者、著录、笔墨风格、题字签押、收藏出处和作品特点详加考证、评论。 六十张名画开篇即为宋徽宗赵佶的《蜡梅双禽图》和《梅花绣眼图》,还有名家苏汉臣的《婴戏图》,原题张择端的《金明池争标图》,马远的《孔丘像》,旧题夏圭的《山坡论道图》,以及现藏于苏州博物馆的《钱塘观潮图》与《消夏图》。 选录的绘画中,除一部分是两宋名画家的作品外,大部分为佚名画家所作。编著者对每幅无名氏作品的笔法、布局、款识等,进行了比较鉴别,确定其创作时代和艺术特点,纠正原画旧签题定名之误。精美的图画与精到的说明,使这本书极具收藏价值。

两宋名画册 内容简介

此书是“文物版”图书中的传世名作。 一九六三年,文物出版社组织鉴定专家精选两宋名画六十幅,涉及山水、人物、花鸟、界画等多种门类,采用当时盛行的铜版印制技术,活页粘贴,卡纸衬托,正六开,豪华精装,成为中国画坛和收藏界临摹与鉴赏宋代绘画的精美宝典。一九七九年,此书重印后在社会上引起有识之士的极大关注,不久告罄。时过三十年,在保持原书内容与整体风格的前提下,采用当今先进的印刷技术和装帧材料,文物出版社再度推出这本经典名著《两宋名画册》,以飨中外读者。

两宋名画册 目录

INTRODUCTIONLIST OF PAINTINGS1 Two Birds on a Yellow Plum-Tree (Chimonanthus fragra) Branch2 Singing Birds (Zosterops) and Plum Blossoms3 Quail4 Children Playing by Plantai and Rockery5 Journeying Past a Mountain Creek6 Black Plum Blossoms7 Children at Play8 Autumn Echoes in Moonlight9 Travelling Through Snow by a Stream10 Smoke-trees on a Sand-spit11 Dog, Butterfly and Hollyhock12 Visiting a Friend with Lute in Hand13 Wild Geese Bed Down on a Cold Sand-spit14 Dozing in the Lichee Courtyard15 Fowls, Plum Trees and Bamboos in Winter16 Playing for Stakes by Jinming Pond17 Spring Thoughts in Jade Pavilion18 Hill Scene in Autumn19 Camellia and Butterfly20 Autumnal Hills and Red-leafed Trees21 Confucius22 A Moonlit Pavilion23 Walking With Aid of a Stick over the Wilds24 Hollyhock25 Drinking in the Moonlight26 Wild Ducks in Lotus Pond27 Riding Homewards over a Willow-fringed Bridge28 Discussing Taoism on a Hillside29 Enjoying the Cool Breeze on a High Pavilion30 Viewing the Panorama from a Pavilion Halfway Up a Hill31 Playing Chess in a Mountain Residence32 Musicia by Lotus Pond33 Lotus Flowe34 Tranquility35 Sun Rising Out of the Sea36 Gazing from a Riveide Pavilion37 Wagtail in a Lotus Pond38 Approaching Rain over a Misty River39 Autumn Tide at Estuary of Qiantang River40 Studying by a Window in Autumn41 Fishing by the Pine Tress42 Storm in the Hills43 Pavilio in fairy Mountain44 Boat at Anchor in Snow45 Chatting with Guests in a Thatch Cottage46 Magnificent View from a Riveide Pavilion47 Three Friends in Winter48 Returning Drunk Among Flowe49 Green Rock in the River50 Azure Rock in Clear River51 Water Fowls in Lotus Pond52 Boating in Willow-Surrounded Pond53 Monkeys and Eastern Egrets54 Fishing by the Willows55 Dawn in Spring in the West Lake56 Water Buffaloes in the Willow Pond57 Wagtails58 Theatricals: " Yan Yao Suan "59 Theatricals60 Passing Summer in a Leisurely Way