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写作要义 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561447840
  • 条形码:9787561447840 ; 978-7-5614-4784-0
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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写作要义 内容简介


写作要义 目录

about the author preface to the srudent 1 writing in the pofessional world 2 nervous grumblings about writing 3 whats an acceptable essay? 4 your thesis sentence 5 finding your writing process 6 building a strong essay 7 writing to discover 8 the parts of an essay 9 introductions are not all the same 10 something of voice 11 speaking of voice 12 organizing your essay 13 the chronological approach 14 comparing and contrasting 15 dealing with the opposition 16 look at your audience 17 writing with others 18 standing above our defenses 19 a healthy body paragraph 20 doctoring a sickly body paragraph 21 good writing is good thinking 22 good writing is good development 23 finding the right word 24 writing concretely 25 mephobia:an eye for a ewe 26 moving out editing matters index Proofreader's marksQuick rdference guide to editing matters

写作要义 节选

《写作要义(第2版)》作者petetg.beidler是美国lehigh大学资深写作课教授、中世纪文学及美国印第安文化研究专家,其“why i teach”一文为中国大学生所熟悉。《写作要义(第2版)》26章,每章自成体系,重点突出,内容具体,例证翔实;语言浅显活泼,插图生动诙谐。该书通过对大量大学生习作的分析、讲评及修改,总结出写作过程中应避免的40个*易犯的错误。作者曾以富丰赖特学者身份在中国讲学多年,熟知中国学生实情,此版由作者为中国读者量身修订,因此具有极强的实用性和针对性。

写作要义 相关资料

插图:lover because you wanted him to know that everywhere you looked you saw his face,even in that tree outside your bedroom window. You would say something else if you were describing it to a painter who wanted to get just the right shades of green on a canvas,some thing else if you were describing it to a blind man who had never seen a tree,something else if you were describing it for a newspaper audience in an editorial about how terrible it is that such trees are cut down to make paper.And so on .In each case the tree you describe would beexactly the same one,but the way you write about it would differ drastically depending on your audience. The same is as true for argumentative writing as for descriptive writing If you were asked to write an essay about the problem of stray dogs on campus,you would take one approach with a society for preventing humans from being cruel to animals,another with the student government subcommittee on academic environment,still another with the local police. You can supply from your own imagination examples to demonstrate the different kinds of essays that would result you're your writing for different audiences.Who is your audience for a college essay?In a sense,of course,your reader is that remarkable creature known as your English teacher .He or she will usually be the final audience for your essay,and have tocomment on it and assign it a grade. But your teacher is really an artificial sort of reader .If you are writing about your apartment,or about students having cars on campus,or about corruption in politics.
