安全生产管理 2019版中级
马克思主义基本原理概论 自学考试学习读本 (2018年版)
BFT写作教程 版权信息
- ISBN:9787111306559
- 条形码:9787111306559 ; 978-7-111-30655-9
- 装帧:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
BFT写作教程 本书特色
BFT写作教程 内容简介
BFT写作教程 目录
BFT写作教程 节选
BFT写作教程 相关资料
插图:Life is a little war very day. When I mention "war", I am not talking about a conflict betweentwo nations; I am talking about our own everyday existence. Sometimes our days are simplywonderful. From the time we get up in the morning to the time we go back to bed, we have toface many problems. I usually go to bed at 11:00 every night. For example, you get home at6:30 p.m.; you are tired and hungry, but you have to make dinner. Food prices aresky-rocketing these days. The baby starts crying and you start to get nervous about all of these.They say that being nervous can cause heart attacks. My cousin, who is a doctor, says thatmany people have heart disease. Then your spouse has an evening meeting, so you are leftalone with a fussy baby. You would really rather sit quietly and read the newspaper, but youknow it is your duty to amuse your child. This is the moment when you have to face that littlewar to fight your nervous system and control yourself.The pronunciation if a word in a new language can sometimes be difficult and cause problems.When I was in high school, our school was very large, and there was a large foreignstudent population. I had a friend who had problems with pronunciation. Once, she waswith me on a bus and the bus was about to pass her stop. In trying to reach the bell, sheaccidentally stepped on the feet of an elderly gentleman sitting in front of her. Publictransportation usually provides priority seat for the elderly or the handicapped. Trying toapologize, she said what sounded like, "Kiss me, please." The poor gentleman looked sostartled that he got up and left the bus at the wrong stop. I was laughing so hard that myfriend became angry. Finally, I was able to explain to her that the correct pronunciationwas "Excuse me."
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