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PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 版权信息

PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 本书特色


PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 内容简介

demonstration of rubberwood processing technology and promotion of sustainable development in china and other asian countries" and the book was edited on the base of the proceedings of the itto/cfc international rubberwood workshop held in haikou, china from december 8 to 10, 2008. the project was implemented by the research institute of wood industry, chinese academy of forestry (caf) from 2006 to 2008,with the assistance of general bureau of hainan state farms (gbhsf) and hainan state farms woodworking co. ltd. the project aims to: ① increase the contribution of the rubberwood industry to the national economy through more efficient utilization of existing rubberwood raw materials② upgrade the competitiveness of rubberwood products compared to other wood products produced from natural tropical forests via the use of technical guidelines and demonstration.

PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 目录

1 the rubberwood utilization in china
 1.1 the rubber tree planting and rubberwood resources
 1.2 the influence and status of wood supply
 1.3 the status of rubberwood utilization
 1.4 the effects after technical improvements
 1.5 strategies for the promotion of rubberwood industry development
2 present status of rubberwood resource and utilization in asia
 2.1 introduction
 2.2 present status of rubberwood resource
 2.3 processing and utilization of rubberwood
 2.4 conclusions
3 promotion of rubberwood processing technology in cambodia
 3.1 introduction
 3.2 forest resources and challenges related to rubber plantations
 3.3 rubber plantation and rubberwood processing technology
 3.4 recommendation for the way forward
4 status of rubber wood processing and utilization in india
 4.1 introduction
 4.2 production potential
 4.3 commercial utilization
 4.4 price trend
 4.5 current situation
 4.6 processing
 4.7 primary processing
 4.8 the kerala context
 4.9 r&d and promotional agencies
 4.10 manufacturing industries and products
 4.11 conclusions
5 current status of plantation forest development and its utilization in indonesia
 5.1 introduction
 5.2 current potency
 5.3 current utilization
 5.4 status of research and development
 5.5 policy development
 5.6 conclusions
6 forest plantation development in malaysia with special reference on rubber plantation
 6.1 introduction
 6.2 forest resource area
 6.3 forest plantation development
 6.4 rubber plantation development
 6.5 government initiatives
 6.6 issues and challenges
 6.7 strategies for the way forward
 6.8 conclusions
7 situation of myanmar teak hardwood and rubber plantation
 7.1 introduction
 7.2 conserving forest resources and environment
 7.3 forest policy(1995 )
 7.4 institutional structure
 7.5 forest cover area of myanmar
 7.6 special teak plantation programmer (stpp)
 7.7 community forestry instructions
 7.8 private teak plantation policy
 7.9 procedure for private teak and hardwood plantation
 7.10 expenditures
 7.11 turn over of teak plantation
 7.12 timber outcome from teak plantation
 7.13 investment return from teak plantation
 7.14 conclusions
 7.15 situation of wood-based industry in myanmar
 7.16 myanmar timber export and sale situation(2003-2008)
 7.17 potential supply and domestic demand production for teak
 7.18 some facts for foreign direct investment in agricultural sector of myanmar
 7.19 rubber area of myanmar
 7.20 future situation of rubber wood industry
8 status of rubberwood processing and utilization in the philippines
 8.1 introduction
 8.2 distribution and supply
 8.3 potential value of available supply
 8.4 basic properties and characteristics
 8.5 technological and working properties of rubberwood
 8.6 utilization of rubberwood
 8.7 constraints in the utilization of rubberwood
 8.8 conclusions and recommendations
9 the utilization of rubber wood in thailand
 9.1 introduction
 9.2 processing,utilization and products development
 9.3 markets for products of timber plantation
 9.4 overview and conclusions
10 rubber plantation in nepal
 10.1 introduction
 10.2 methodology
 10.3 situation of rubber plantation
 10.4 area under cultivation and yield per hectare
 10.5 resources,processing,products,utilization
 10.6 obstacles in rubberwood utilization
 10.7 policies of the government
11 wood properties of plantation rubberwood in china
 11.1 materials and methods
 11.2 results and discussions
 11.3 general conclusions
12 rubberwood preservation by friendly preservatives
 12.1 introduction
 12.2 experimental methods
 12.3 results
 12.4 conclusions
13 technical report of vacuum pressure treatment by napcp free preservative during 2006-2007
 13.1 materials and method

PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 节选

《亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广(英文版)》内容简介:Demonstration of rubberwood processing technology and promotion of sustainable development in China and other Asian countries and the book was edited on the base of the Proceedings of the ITTO/CFC International Rubberwood Workshop held in Haikou, China from December 8 to 10, 2008. The project was implemented by the Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) from 2006 to 2008,with the assistance of General Bureau of Hainan State Farms (GBHSF) and Hainan State Farms Woodworking Co.

PROMOTIN OF RUBBERWOOD-(亚太地区橡胶木加工技术的推广) 相关资料

插图:1.4.2 Environmental concept strengthenedIn the past,the main preservative used in almost all sawmills was NaPCP, which was greatly harmful to environment. Through this project, many environmental friendly preservatives were introduced, such as boron based preservatives and FB, F1,F2, WF-03 anti-mould formulas.1.4.3 Improvement of preservation techniqueThrough this project,new measurement meter was introduced to industrials for online detecting and adjusting the solute concentration, which could more precisely control the preservative absorption, not only to keep the treatmentquality,but also to save cost.1.5 Strategies for the promotion of rubberwood industry development. (1) Rational allocation of resources to ensure sustainable supply of rubberwood. The rubber plant is mainly for producing rubber,it should be integratedlymanaged with considering the integrated profits of forest output, rubber treespecies,trees planting and cutting programming. Besides the yield of latex, theyield and quality of rubberwood should also be considered.(2) The management and processing techniques should be strengthened, andthe different processing scales should be supported. The processing scaledepends on collection and supply ways of rubberwood log. Currently, therubberwood processing technology is not good in China, technique support isessential for a better processing. For some places,more efficient and larger-scalemanufacture is encouraged to be established. In this way, the rubberwood couldbe used in more efficient and environment-friendly way.(3) Promoting the production of dimension timber. To produce thedimension timber or non-dimension timber is depending on the processingtechnique and rubberwood supply quality in different factories. To produce moredimension timber is encouraged since it usually means a good quality and moreadded values.(4) The improvement in rubberwood preservative treatment techniques andsawn timber quality. The rubberwood is easily decayed and moulded. Exposed inthe open air,the green log with bark will be decayed in 1-2 months, the timberwill be moulded in 7-10 days. Therefore, if the rubberwood can not be processedin time,it must be treated by preservatives. Presently the timber colour will bebrowning after the treatment, which degrades the quality of the timber. Inaddition,the application of preservatively treated wood is restricted due to thesafety reason. All these need technique improvement in preservative treatmentand drying.
