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新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 版权信息

新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 本书特色


新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 内容简介


新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 目录

unit 1 job hunting
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
unit 2 career
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
unit 3 advertisement
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
 product introduction
unit 4 multinational corporations
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
 company description
unit 5 science and technology
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
unit 6 insurance
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
unit 7 law
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
unit 8 upon graduation
 section i try your ears and mouth
 part one: listen and practice
 part two: listen and repeat
 part three: role play
 section ii try your brain
 text a
 text b
 section ⅲ try your hands
application for studying abroad

新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 节选


新时代大学英语:教师用书:3 相关资料

插图:Interest and hobby play a push role in selecting jobs.However,personal interest and hobby arethe important evidences in selecting jobs,not the whole evidences.Only when you build them oncertain abilities,and connect with social needs,they may acquire realistic basis to accomplish them. Therefore,it is necessary to cultivate personal interests and hobbies,develop personalexpertise(专门知识或技能),and thereby make interests and hobbies aimed to enlarge the field offinding ajob. Psychologists prefer that,you should,according to your personality,select your job,only thatCan you connect your activities with your caree~bring your talent and specialty into full play andcontrol your work with high proficiency.Such as: 1.Those with rational personalities prefer tO think carefully,expertize in weighing the meritsand demerits.So,they are suitable for management,research and educational jobs. 2.Those with emotional personalities display strong and rich emotion,strong emotionalactivities,SOtheyare suitableforartand servicejobs. 3.Those with strong will have clear goals,and they act positively and determinedly.So theyare suitable for determined and operational jobs. It is not difficult for US to find the phenomena in selecting a job relating to temperament:somechoose teaching as their career,but have violent character and no patience;some choose reporter,but they react slowly and have steady personality.Therefore,original ideal careers lose theiroriginal color.The reason is not the problem of those people’S abilities,but that their temperamentsdon’t suit the careers they choose.From that we know,temperament not only affects one’S choiceof career,but also directly affects the fate of specificjobs,When selecting ajob,we should do it according tO our temperament.
