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新大学英语听说教程-1 版权信息

新大学英语听说教程-1 本书特色


新大学英语听说教程-1 内容简介


新大学英语听说教程-1 目录

chapter 1 the power of music / 1
academic focus: humanities - music
chapter 2 nutrition and human health / 19
academic focus: science - nutrition
chapter 3 themes of geography / 40
academic focus: social science - geography
chapter 4 are you getting the sleep you need? / 126
academic focus: science - human biology and psychology
chapter 5 laughter is the best medicine / 87
academic focus: science and social science - psychology, sociology, and medicine
chapter 6 google: a business dream come true / 115
academic focus: general business - business and technology

新大学英语听说教程-1 节选


新大学英语听说教程-1 相关资料

插图:2. Eating Better Than OrganicBy JOHN CLOUDA selection of fresh vegetables from the Windflower Farm in upstate New York, near theVermont border.Not long ago I had an apple problem. Wavering in the produce section of a Manhattangrocery store, I was unable to decide between an organic apple and a nonorganic apple (whichwas labeled conventional, since that sounds better than "sprayed with pesticides that might killyou"). It shouldn't have been a tough choice——who wants to eat pesticide residue?——but theorganic apples had been grown in California. The conventional ones were from right here inNew York State. I know I've been listening to too much npr because I started wondering:How much Middle Eastern off did it take to get that California apple to me? Which farmershould I support——the one who rejected pesticides in California or the one who was, in someromantic sense, a neighbor? Most important, didn't the apple's taste suffer after the fruit wascrated and refrigerated and jostled for thousands of miles?In the end I bought both apples. (They were both good, although the California one hada mealy bit, possibly from its journey.) It's only recently that I had noticed more locally grownproducts in the supermarket, but when I got home I discovered that the organic-vs.-localdebate has become one of the liveliest in the food world. Last year Wal-Mart began offeringmore organic products——those grown without pesticides, antibiotics, irradiation and so on——andthe big company's expansion into a once alternative food culture has been a source of deepconcern, and predictable backlash, among early organic adopters.Nearly a quarter of American shoppers now buy organic products once a week, up from17% in 2000. But for food purists, "local" is the new "organic," the new ideal that promiseshealthier bodies and a healthier planet. Many chefs, food writers and politically m

新大学英语听说教程-1 作者简介

编者:许德金 (美国)玛莎(Marsha J.Chan) 丛书主编:刘树森 刘世生
