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外刊导读 版权信息

外刊导读 内容简介


外刊导读 目录

unit 1 global economy
 text: global fears of a recession grow stronger
 extensive reading: the u.s. financial crisis is spreading to europe
unit 2 international finance
 text: deals that were doomed from the start: a look back
 extensive reading: mailing our way to solvency
unit 3 investment
 text: new regulations sure to accompany bailout
 extensive reading: global stocks: should you pull out?
unit 4 management
 text: up from the rubble: post-recession planning
 extensive reading: why limiting ceo pay is a good idea
unit 5 marketing strategy
 text: how small stores can lure holiday shoppers
 extensive reading: small name in tvs has big plans
unit 6 modern technology
 text: a home network where your tv talks to your fridge
 extensive reading: using video games as bait to hook readers
unit 7 modern science
 text: china launches space walk mission
 extensive reading: mars weather forecast: snow
unit 8 world politics
 text: mistrust and hostility between two koreas shapes life on an island
 extensive reading: envoy pushes to save deal on disarming north korea
unit 9 terrorism
 text: confronting taliban, pakistan finds itself at war
 extensive reading: terrorists and spies, weaving their webs
unit 10 social life
 text: in‘sweetie' and ‘dear', a hurt for the elderly
 extensive reading: animal restaurant in los angeles
unit 11 world environment
 text: new coast guard task in arctic's warming seas
 extensive reading: the top 20 effects of global warming
unit 12 health
 text: are bad times healthy?
 extensive reading: fan in room seems to cut infants' risk of crib death
unit 13 language features
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外刊导读 相关资料

“A drop in exports, as well as capital inflow, will trigger a falloff in investments,” Mr. Zoellick said in a speech on Monday. “Deceleration of growth and deteriorating financial conditions, combined with monetary tightening, will trigger business failures and possibly banking emergencies.”The immediate danger, economists say, are countries in Eastern and Central Europe, like Bulgaria and Estonia, which run steep trade deficits and are vulnerable to a sudden flight of foreign capital.Iceland, with an overheated economy and suffocating foreign debt, may prove to be the first national casualty of the crisis. On MondaY, threatened by a wholesale financial collapse, the government in Reykjavik assumed sweeping powers to intervene in its banking industry.“We were faced with the real possibility that the national economy would be sucked into the global banking swell and end in national bankruptcy,” Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde said on Monday.But with global growth slowing sharply, the problems could spread to larger emerging markets, even China, which has a hefty current account surplus and immense foreign reserves.“Where is China going to sell its exports?”Mr. Johnson of M. I.T. said. “Everyone is going into recession at the same time. ”This week, the focus will be on the Group of 7, whose finance ministers and central bankers are scheduled to meet on Friday at the Treasury Department. The group issued a perfunctory statement of support for the United States, after the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Panlson Jr., briefed members about the rescue plan in a conference call two weeks ago.But European finance ministers, notably Peer Steinbrtick of Germany, noted that the crisis began in the United States, and played down the need for a systemic European response.Mr. Zoellick, in his speech, said flatly that the Group of 7 “is not working. ” He advocates expanding the group —— which includes the United States, Canada, Britain, Ita
