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包邮 旅游英语口语-附赠光盘

开本: 16开 页数: 210 页


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旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787509608289
  • 条形码:9787509608289 ; 978-7-5096-0828-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 本书特色

《旅游英语口语》:营造身临其境的交流氛围突破语言习惯的思维禁锢搭建起流利口语**的知识框架提供交流场景中可能用到的多种经典句型系统全面,即学即用;随地练习,自在表达举一反三 偱序渐进 即学即用 通俗详尽

旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 内容简介


旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 目录

Part 1 Ready to goUnit One The plan of Traveling Unit Two Consulting the Travel AgencyUnit Three Passport and Visa Unit Four Room Reservations Unit Five Booking Airline TicketsUnit Six Changing Money Unit Seven Checking LuggageUnit Eight Going Through the Customs Part 2 Choosing a Means of TransportUnit One Private Car Unit Two By Train Unit Three By Plane Unit Four By Bus Unit Five Traveling by SubwayUnit Six Taking a TaxiUnit Seven By Ship Unit Eight Renting a CarPart 3 AccommodationUnit One Check in Unit Two Ushering a Guest into th RoonUnit Three Special Services Unit Four Call Transfer Unit Five Laundry Service Unit Six Complaints ServicesUnit Seven Maintenance ServiceUnit Eight Settle Accounts Part 4 Internal Tourism Unit One A Visit to Tian' anmen and the Imperial PalaceUnit Two A Trip to the Great Wall. the Summer Palace and the Ming TombsUnit Three A Trip to Shanghai Unit Four A Trip to Suhang Unit Five A Trip to Famous MountainUnit Six A Visit to Temples Unit Seven A Visit to the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Qin Shi Huang' s Mausoleum and Terracotta ArmyUnit Eight Folk Customs Part 5 International Tourism Unit One A Tour Guide in Asian Unit Two A Tour Guide in Africa Unit Three A Tour Guide in EuropeUnit Four A Tour Guide in AmericaUnit Five A Tour Guide in Australia Unit Six A Visit to Disneyland and New YorkUnit Seven Visiting Niagara Falls and Trafalgar Square in LondonUnit Eight Foreignism Part 6 For Travel Unit One Calling Unit Two Asking the Way Unit Three At the Restaurant Unit Four At the Post Office Unit Five Dress Unit Six Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Unit Seven Making Bargains Unit Eight Dealing With Trouble

旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 节选


旅游英语口语-附赠光盘 相关资料

Conversation 1A:When are you going to take your year’s vacation?B:I’ve got a ten—day vacation starting July 25.A:Where areyougoing?B:Hawaii.A:That sounds like a good place.Is your whole family going?B:Yes.We plan to climb the mountains,go fishing,and wind surfing,but most of all,relaxing.My wife is taking a whole pile of books to read.A:Your children must be all excited about it.B:Yes,they are.They’re already crossing out the days on the calendar.Are you going to Europe again this summer?A:No.not this time.We’re going to visit some old friends in New York.B:Are you driving or taking at rain?A:Driving.We’ll need a car there.A:你打算什么时候休年假?B:从7月25日起,我有10天的假。A:你要去哪里度假?B:夏威夷。A:这地方很不错。你们全家人都要去吗?B:是的。我们计划去爬山、钓鱼、玩风浪板,但最主要是轻松一下。我太太要带一大堆书去看。A:你的孩子们一定都非常兴奋。B:是啊,他们很兴奋。他们已经在日历上标出日期了。今年夏天你还要去欧洲吗?A:不,这次不去了。我们打算去纽约看看老朋友。B:你开车去还是坐火车去?A:开车去。在那边我们会用到车子的。Conversation 2A:No pressure.No work.No worries.Just the pure fun!B:Yes,the vacation is coming now!Where do you intend to spend it,Angela?A:I don’t know.Maybe I’ll stay together with my parents.B:Don’t you want to go out?You know I’ve got a new car.A:Please don’t brag about your new car!You are so great.OK?B:What do you mean by that?I invite you just because I view you as my friend.A:I’m sorry.I misunderstand you.Thank you for sharing everything with me.B:That’S OK.How about traveling around with me?A:Where do you want to go?B:How about San ya?There we can visit the“End of The Earth”.A:I know it's a famous coast resort.But is it too far away?B:Just think about the palm trees,sunshine,beach and blue waves…Don’t miss the chance!A:O
