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英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301165461
  • 条形码:9787301165461 ; 978-7-301-16546-1
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 本书特色


英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 内容简介


英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 目录

**部分 授课参考
unit one football
unit two entertainment
unit three seeing the world
unit four business and finance
unit five china report
unit six cultural difference
unit seven ethnicity, gender and gay marriage
unit eight striving for goals
第二部分 练习答案
unit one football
unit two entertainment
unit three seeing the world
unit four business and finance
unit five china report
unit six cultural difference
unit seven ethnicity, gender and gay marriage
unit eight striving for goals
第三部分 阅读技巧
ⅰ how to read a scientific paper
ⅱ reading skills for academic study
第四部分 英语知识
ⅰ wikipedia: manual of style
ⅱ british and american keyboards

英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 节选


英语时文泛读学习参考用书-第四册 相关资料

插图:Source: BBC/Birmingham/SportsThe British Broadcasting Corporation, almost always referred to by its abbreviation "the BBC," is the world's largest broadcaster. Incorporated in the United Kingdom by government charter, it employs 28,500 people in that country alone and has an annual budget of more than $4 billion. The BBC is a quasi-autonomous statutory corporation as a public service broadcaster and is run by the BBC Trust; it is, per its charter, supposed to "be free from both political and commercial influence and answer only to its viewers and listeners". In addition to being the largest broadcasting corporation in the world, BBC Newsgathering is the largest news system through its regional offices, foreign correspondents and agreements with other news services.The BBC reaches more than 200 countries and is available to more than 274 million households, significantly more than CNN's (its nearest competitor) estimated 200 million. Its radio services broadcast on a wide variety of wavelengths, making them available to many regions of the world. It broadcasts news-by radio or over the Internet-in some 33 languages.The BBC was the first national broadcasting organisation and was founded on 18 October 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company Ltd; It was subsequently granted a Royal Charter and was made a publicly funded corporation in 1927. The corporation produces programmes and information services, broadcasting globally on television, radio, and the Internet. The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain" (as laid down by Parliament in the BBC Charter); its motto is "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation".The BBC's domestic programming is primarily funded by levying television licence fees (under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949), although money is also raised through commercial activities such as sale of merchandise and programming. The BBC World Se
