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大学英语泛读教程-第2册 版权信息

大学英语泛读教程-第2册 本书特色


大学英语泛读教程-第2册 目录

Part One TextsUnlt 1Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: Ares, the God of War in Greek Mythology(Mars in Roman Mythology)Ⅱ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Virtual Online EducationUnit 2Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: Aphrodite in Greek Mythology, Venus in Roman MythologyⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Generation GapUnit 3Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: Oedipus ComplexⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: The Very Image of a FatherUnit 4Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: Noah's ArkⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Non-Verbal LanguageUnit 5Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: Achilles' HeelⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Experiments on MonkeysUnit 6Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: The Garden of EdenⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Parents' Role in SchoolingUnit 7Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: The Four GospelsⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Fear of Street Crime Sentences Older People to a Life InsideUnit 8Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: EasterⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Rene DescartesUnit 9Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: The Trojan HorseⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: Tomorrow in BriefUnit 10Ⅰ. Western CivilizationPassage One: The Birth of JesusⅡ. Background Information to the TextPassage Two: The Best Teacher I Ever HadPart Two Keys and ExplanationsPart Three Translation for the Texts

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大学英语泛读教程-第2册 相关资料

"This big ark is not only for you," God said to Noah, "I want you to goout and collect a male and female of every kind of animal and bird and reptile,and take them into the ark with. you. Now go and gather all the food you can findfor you and for them. You will need enough for a long voyage. "When Noah's neighbors saw Noah and his family piling stores of fruit andgrain, leaves and hay inside the ark, they jeered louder than ever. But Noah andhis family paid no attention and went on with their work. Two of every kind ofanimal and bird and reptile ate a lot of food, and very soon it would begin torain.When all the store was ready, Noah and his wife and his sons and his sons'wives went out to collect the animals. They followed Noah into the ark, two bytwo. As soon as every one of them was safely on board, the first drops of rainstarted to fall.It rained and rained. Quite soon the ark began to float. But the water roseand rose until it covered even the mountaintops and every living creature that wasnot on the ark was drowned. But it still rained. It rained for 40 days and 40nights, and after it had finally stopped raining, the floodwaters went on coveringthe whole earth for 150 days.Then God thought of Noah and the ark, and he made a strong wind blow,and the floodwaters gradually went down. At last the ark came to rest on the topof a mountain. Noah began to send out birds to see if they could find dry land,but they could find no place to perch. Finally one day Noah sent out a dove, andthat evening the dove came back with an olive twig in its beak. Some parts of theland were dry again. The next time Noah released the dove, it did not come backat all, which showed Noah that it was now safe to leave the ark.So Noah and his family, and all the creatures they had taken with them,came out of the ark onto dry land and Noah built an altar and offered a sacrificeof thanksgiving. God was pleased, and he blessed Noah and his family and told them to have many ch
