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应用自如-大学英语进阶听力教程-第6册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562240723
  • 条形码:9787562240723 ; 978-7-5622-4072-3
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:

应用自如-大学英语进阶听力教程-第6册 内容简介


应用自如-大学英语进阶听力教程-第6册 目录

unit 1 health
 part a observation mass media agencies
 part b conversation may i speak with ms. shirley green?
 part c exploration
  passage one hand-washing
  passage two sars in china
 part d appreciation
  an essay  lake of autumn
unit 2 food
 part a observation idioms with food words
 part b conversation how may i help you today?
 part c exploration
  passage one pizza
  passage two how much water should we drink?
 part d appreciation
  a poem  for everything there is a season
unit 3 courses and requirements
 part a observation a course introduction and degree requirements
 part b conversation i just don't agree with you at all
 part c exploration
  passage one g.e.d. examinations
  passage two online learning
 part d appreciation
  an opera song the phantom of the opera
unit 4 agrioulture
 part a observation homestays abroad
 part b conversation welcome to rental property management
 part c exploration
  passage one tulip
  passage two a new rural development strategy
 part d appreciation
  an essay  youth
quiz 1
unit 5 learnins problems
 part a observation asking for and giving directions
 part b conversation here is the cornell system for taking notes
 part c exploration
  passage one television-watching and a. d.d.
  passage two learning disabilities
 part d appreciation
  a word story expressions derived from poker
unit 6 technology
 part a observation e-ticketing and boarding
 part b conversation thank you for agreeing to this interview
 part c exploration
  passage one the "motomen" project
  passage two television dramas help save lives
 part d appreciation
  a cartoon dialogue shrek (excerpt)
unit 7 economics
 part a observation sales promotions and ad slogans
 part b conversation how did you start your career?
 part c exploration
  passage one phevos and athena
  passage two wal-mart
 part d appreciation
  a song  pass the flame
unit 8 education
 part a observation banking and check writing
 part b conversation music and art classes may do more for students
 part c exploration
  passage one the teacher of the year
  passage two foreign language learning in the u. s.
 part d appreciation
  an interview excerpt bill gates' key to success
quiz 2
unit 9 internationaireport
 part a observation documents and a visa interview
 part b conversation can you tell me what the student union does?
 part c exploration
  passage one a g-7 agreement
  passage two u.s. steps up pressure on belarus
 part d appreciation
  a tip for address terms
  how names are called in america?
unit 10 information and communication
 part a observation freshman orientations
 part b conversation how closely are you tied into the new technology?
 part c exploration
  passage one international children's digital library
  passage two cyber cafe
 part d appreciation
  a poem  if
unit 11 international assistance
 part a observation job application letters
 part b conversation how do we explain our behaviors?
 part c exploration
  passage one the united nations children's fund (unicef)
  passage two a special medical camp
 part d appreciation
  a song  dance with my father
unit 12 problem solutions
 part a observation job interview tips and resume writing
 part b conversation maybe we need to read both kinds of papers
 part c exploration
  passage one defense of pessimism
  passage two a speech by george w. bush
 part d appreciation
  a speech  gettysburg address
quiz 3
 tapescripts and keys

应用自如-大学英语进阶听力教程-第6册 节选

《大学英语进阶听力教程(第6册):应用自如》适应大学英语教学改革形势发展的需要,特别注重训练语言学习者的听力并讲授提高听力的方法,以满足广大教师和学生英语学习的新需求。 本套教程分为6册,每册重点明确,循序渐进,形成一个有机的整体,系统性强。《大学英语进阶听力教程(第6册):应用自如》为第六册。本册主要取材于近年来美国之音(VOA)及英国广播公司(BBC)的英语广播节目,涉及的主题多样,与日常生活、社会经济、科技发展等人们普遍关注的问题紧密相关。语言正式、规范,发音清晰,语速由慢及快。

应用自如-大学英语进阶听力教程-第6册 作者简介

