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学生用书-阅读拓展-1 版权信息

学生用书-阅读拓展-1 本书特色


学生用书-阅读拓展-1 内容简介

  在知识爆炸、信息量膨胀的今天,阅读能力的培养显得尤为重要。因此,在目前的英语教学中,阅读受到前所未有的重视,这对阅读教材的编写提出了更高的要求。作为英语专业的泛读教材,必须克服过去那种文字陈旧、选材不宽、起点偏低、练习单一、课堂操作性差等一系列缺陷,以便更好更快地提高英语专业学生的阅读能力,培养高质量的复合型、实用型英语人才。“新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”之《阅读拓展》就是在这一指导思想下编写完成的。   “新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”是安徽大学外语学院陈正发教授主持的安徽省“十一五”规划教材项目。《阅读拓展》是本系列教材的其中一套。本套教材共分4册,取材广泛,内容丰富,文体多样,由浅入深。文章大都选自英语国家近年来出版的正规纸质图书和网络材料,其中很大一部分来自reager ms digest,the economist,www.nytimes.com,time等知名杂志和网站。题材涉及教育、科学、体育、文学、文化等诸多领域,体裁涵盖报告文学、新闻通讯、科学小品、回忆录、说明文、记叙文、议论文、散文、小说、传记、演讲等。所选文章经过精挑细选,长度适中,难度相宜,少数地方做了必要的改写和删减,适合英语专业**至第四学期教学使用,每学期一册。   材料编排上,每个单元围绕一个题材和一个阅读技巧,提供三篇阅读材料,按照通行的阅读课模式把lesson a和lesson b分别分成pre-readig,while-reading,post-reading和extension activity四大模块,合理设计课堂练习和课外活动,有针对性地训练学生的阅读技能,而lessonc则作为学生课后阅读材料。值得一提的是,练习中安排了一定的口语和写作活动,目的是整合学生语言能力,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效果。为了便于教学,与该书配套的教师用书为授课教师提供了较好的教学参考,使课堂教学易于组织和操作。

学生用书-阅读拓展-1 目录

Unit 1 People and PlacesUnit 2 Entertainment and RecreationUnit 3 EducationUnit 4 Man and NatureUnit 5 SocietyUnit 6 Culture and history(1)Unit 7 Culture and history(2)Unit 8 Holidays and FestivalsUnit 9 Health and MedicineUnit 10 Human MindUnit 11 LiteratureUnit 12 Science and Technology

学生用书-阅读拓展-1 节选

《阅读拓展1(学生用书)》内容简介:在知识爆炸、信息量膨胀的今天,阅读能力的培养显得尤为重要。因此,在目前的英语教学中,阅读受到前所未有的重视,这对阅读教材的编写提出了更高的要求。作为英语专业的泛读教材,必须克服过去那种文字陈旧、选材不宽、起点偏低、练习单一、课堂操作性差等一系列缺陷,以便更好更快地提高英语专业学生的阅读能力,培养高质量的复合型、实用型英语人才。“新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”之《阅读拓展》就是在这一指导思想下编写完成的。“新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”是安徽大学外语学院陈正发教授主持的安徽省“十一五”规划教材项目。《阅读拓展》是本系列教材的其中一套。本套教材共分4册,取材广泛,内容丰富,文体多样,由浅入深。文章大都选自英语国家近年来出版的正规纸质图书和网络材料,其中很大一部分来自Reager ms Digest,The Economist,WWW.nytimes.com,Time等知名杂志和网站。题材涉及教育、科学、体育、文学、文化等诸多领域,体裁涵盖报告文学、新闻通讯、科学小品、回忆录、说明文、记叙文、议论文、散文、小说、传记、演讲等。所选文章经过精挑细选,长度适中,难度相宜,少数地方做了必要的改写和删减,适合英语专业**至第四学期教学使用,每学期一册。材料编排上,每个单元围绕一个题材和一个阅读技巧,提供三篇阅读材料,按照通行的阅读课模式把Lesson A和Lesson B分别分成Pre-readig,While-reading,Post-reading和Extension Activity四大模块,合理设计课堂练习和课外活动,有针对性地训练学生的阅读技能,而LessonC则作为学生课后阅读材料。值得一提的是,练习中安排了一定的口语和写作活动,目的是整合学生语言能力,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效果。为了便于教学,与该书配套的教师用书为授课教师提供了较好的教学参考,使课堂教学易于组织和操作。

学生用书-阅读拓展-1 相关资料

插图:4 Bonding in the BathroomOne unexpected but ideal time to meet your floormates is in the floor bathroom. I admit that initially the thought of sharing a bathroom with twenty other girls disgusted me, but Isoon realize that it can also be an incredible bonding experience.5 When you go to brush your teeth or dry your hair, you never quite know who you'll encounter, so the key to bathroom etiquette is remembering the golden rule. Lend the person next to you some toothpaste when they need it, and he or she will do the samefor you.6 Striking Up School SpiritAn opportunity to meet people outside your dorrn is at university-sponsored events for reshman or the general student body. Some people blow off events like the freshman barbeque or floor meetings, claiming they are too juvenile, but student leaders go to great lengths to plan events that will help freshman meet people and feel welcome on campus.7 These offerings can be a great way to accomplish both if you approach them with the right attitude. Be friendly and exchange email addresses or phone numbers with people you hit it off with.8 But be wary of people who want to be friends with you for the wrong reasons (sleazyguys or girls who want to be "friends with benefits," people who try to use you so theycan copy your Chemistry notes, or use you socially, etc.). It can be flattering whensomeone approaches you for help on an essay or science lab, but there's a fine linebetween "helping" and "doing." Both of you will be in trouble if you let some guycharm his way into copying your homework assignment, and you won't be helpinganyone since he won' t know the material when exams roll around. 9 Anyone who uses you for homework proposes is not really interested in yourfriendship and will leave you as soon as the semester ends. It is fine to help explain anassignment or proofread an occasional paper, but make sure both of you are pulli
