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高级职业英语读写教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:704027685
  • 条形码:9787040276855 ; 978-7-04-027685-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

高级职业英语读写教程 本书特色

《高级职业英语》是一套专门针对高职高专学生实际的公共英语系列教材。本教材形式新颖,按照听说模块、读写模块和拓展模块分项编写,内容贴近岗位需求,具有独到的针对性和实用性,为学生通过本教材的学习,掌握职场生存和发展必需的英语基本技能提供了可靠的保障。 本系列教材共三级,本册为《读写教程1》,包括课前活动、课上活动、写作和课后活动四个部分。

高级职业英语读写教程 内容简介


高级职业英语读写教程 目录

Unit 1 Adapting to New Environments Section 1 Before-class Activities:Getting Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 2 Handling Peonal Information Section 1 Before-class Activities:Getting Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 3 Planning Your Career Section 1 Before-class Activities:Getting Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 4 Hunting for a Job Section 1 Before-class Activities:Getting Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 5 Making Invitatio Section 1 Before-class Activities:Getting Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 6 Receiving Visito Section 1 Before-class Activities:Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 7 Managing Office Work Section 1 Before-class Activities:Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 8 Managing Office Work Section 1 Before-class Activities:Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 9 Managing Office Work Section 1 Before-class Activities:Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do Unit 10 Managing Office Work Section 1 Before-class Activities:Things Ready Section 2 In-class Activities:Things to Do Section 3 Things to Write Section 4 After-class Activities:More Things to Do

高级职业英语读写教程 节选

《高级职业英语》是一套专门针对高职高专学生实际的公共英语系列教材。本教材形式新颖,按照听说模块、读写模块和拓展模块分项编写,内容贴近岗位需求,具有独到的针对性和实用性,为学生通过本教材的学习,掌握职场生存和发展必需的英语基本技能提供了可靠的保障。 本系列教材共三级,本册为《读写教程1》,包括课前活动、课上活动、写作和课后活动四个部分。
