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网络教育大学英语-2 版权信息

网络教育大学英语-2 内容简介

  《大学英语》是根据教育部全国高校网络教育考试委员会*新修订的“大学英语”课程考试大纲(b)水平要求编写的基于网络教学的一套公共基础课教材。   网络教学和学习是指以计算机和网络为工具,利用各种教学平台、学习软件和网络数据库资源进行教学与学习的过程。网络技术和信息具有及时、互动、知识丰富、图文并茂等特点,是非常适合学生自主学习的教育、教学模式。   《大学英语》主要面向具有高中起点和专科起点、接受网络教育的本科学生。本书的编写旨在帮助学生掌握英语基础知识,提高学生英语应用能力、阅读理解能力、翻译技能和写作技能。   本套教材内容新颖,题材多样,课文多选自国外优秀原版书刊、杂志,部分文章来源于精挑细选的网络资料,使学生在学习到基本的英语知识的同时,还能够对当前的西方文化有所了解,从而在对外沟通和交流中减少甚至避免由于文化差异而产生的障碍和误解。   该教材由东北财经大学车丽娟教授任丛书主编,共分三册,每册12个单元,每个单元的课文和练习都围绕一个主题展开,课文全部采用原文材料,难度梯度递增。选材力求题材多样,内容丰富有趣。三册书各单元内容包括主课文、练习(包括基于主课文的阅读理解、技能或语法练习、词汇练习、完形填空、句子翻译、与主题相关的写作练习)、与主题相关的实用英语表达方式(包括单词、短语、句子)和知识点讲解(包括交际技能、语法、翻译技能讲解)。根据考试大纲考察内容,三册书各有侧重点:**册侧重交际技能的培养;第二册侧重语法知识的巩固;第三册侧重翻译技能的提高。每册书根据侧重点配有相应的练习,并都附带答案,学生可以进行自评。

网络教育大学英语-2 目录

Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study HabitsPractice Communication Skills:Expressing Wishes and CongratulationsGrammar:Modal VerbReference AnswersUnit 2 Healthy Living for Modem YouthPracticeCommunication Skills:Words for DiningGrammar:Passive VoiceReference AnswersUnit 3 How Can Young Parents Bridge the Generation GapPracticeCommunication Skills:Words for ShoppingGrammar:Comparative and Superlative of Adjectivesand AdverbsReference AnswersUnit 4 A Surprise Gift for MotherPracticeCommunication Skills:Asking for DirectionsGrammar:Noun ClauseReference AnswersUnit 5 Food CulturePracticeCommunication Skills:Warning and ForbiddanceGrammar:Attributive Clause(1) Reference AnswersUnit 6 What Inspiration Means to MePracticeCommunication Skills:Certainty and UncertaintyGrammar:Attributive Clause(2) Reference AnswersUnit 7 What Is Music?PracticeCommunication Skills:Hopes and WishesGrammar:Adverbial Clause(1)Reference Answers Unit 8 Antarctica:King of ColdPractice Communication Skills:Giving Comforts Grammar:Adverbial Clause(2)Reference Answers Unit 9 Chinese ValentineS DayPractice Communication Skills:Showing RegretsGrammar:Subjunctive Mood(1) Reference Answers Unit 10 Just Sit Back and Relax PracticeCommunication Skills:Words for Dating Grammar:Subjunctive Mood(2)Reference AnswersUnit 11 Traveling in AmericaPracticeCommunication Skills:Giving ComplimentsGrammar:Inversion SentenceReference AnswersUnit 12 Henry Ford and the American Automobile PracticeCommunication Skills:Showing HappinessGrammar:Emphatic SentenceReference Answers

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网络教育大学英语-2 相关资料

The Differences between Chinese and Western Food CultureFood is the most important material i.n maintaining our life and improving the quality of our bodies, and is basic for the development as' well. Since the human being cook with fire for the first time and come to a civilian age , the food we eat has begun to be of cultural property. Food as a category of culture helps us to understand every area of the world. Nowadays, many people out of curiosity, taste different sort of food of other countries. But these people really grasp few of them the essence of the food culture. While the food of one place can reflect its culture, so it is necessary for us to learn the differences between Chinese and western food culture.The Difference of Idea about Food What Chinese people care about is the deliciousness of food . They emphasize the idea of using some cooking skills to unite and harmonize the tastes of food which have dif- ferent natural properties, Chinese people value the similarity of different things. Ac- cording to their traditional idea, they tend to seek the relationship between two differ- ent objects, and make them change to each other. So they value the unity of different tastes and they always try to harmonize food of different natural properties into one. For example, in Shandong dishes, pork and soybean oil are interdependent and their combination can almost make all dishes be of fantastic smell of pork and color of soy- bean. It thus makes food of different natures get unification.Since the westerners believe in separation of the universe and human in their cultural spirit and thinking model, emphasize the form and structure and value the clearness, they form a special idea about the food science. The very idea is that ecological belief in separation of the universe and human world, proper idea of balanced nutrient. In their opinion, one should choose his food only according to his need as an independent individual and the balanced requireme
