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阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561923900
  • 条形码:9787561923900 ; 978-7-5619-2390-0
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 本书特色


阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 内容简介

  本书作者根据历年雅思阅读考题,对出题的范围进行了总结,把涉及的题材大体分为十二大类别:(1)自然现象,(2)人类历史上的重大事件,(3)交通运输,(4)语言,(5)环境保护,(6)动物,(7)建筑,(8)社会问题,(9)医疗卫生,(10)农、工、商,(11)教育,(12)科学技术。本书的阅读训练部分就是按照这十二个专题分单元编写的,每个单元包括五篇由短到长的文章,每个单元的练习都覆盖各种常见题型。这样的编写让考生对每个专题都能得到充分的阅读训练,从而熟悉这一专题可能涉及的词汇、表达方式和出题方式。这样,在真正的考试中,就不会因为对题材感到生疏而影响阅读速度。    为了方便考生掌握相关词汇,本书在每一篇文章后都附了选篇所涉及的词汇,相应的词汇在选篇中也用斜体标出,便于考生直接查阅。因为每个专题涉及的词汇并非五篇文章所能涵盖,所以本书还特别编写了专题分类词汇学习手册,把与每个专题密切相关的词汇以英汉对照的方式列出,做成口袋书随书附赠,便于考生随身携带,随时随地查阅、记忆。

阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 目录

Introduction雅思阅读考试简介一、雅思阅读考试简介二、如何提高雅思阅读能力三、雅思阅读考试解题技巧IELTS Reading ActivitiesUnit One Natural Phenomena (自然现象)Reading Passage 1: Earthquakes in HistoryReading Passage 2: E1 Nino'sReading Passage 3: StormsReading Passage 4: Coasts in CrisisReading Passage 5: Mount Saint HelensUnit Two Important Events in Human History (人类历史上的重大事件) Reading Passage 1: The History of CoinsReading Passage 2: The Olympic GamesReading Passage 3: The Story of AviationReading Passage 4: History of the WheelReading Passage 5: The Mystery of TimeUnit Three Transportation (交通运输)Reading Passage 1: Rally for a Car-free Prospect ParkReading Passage 2: Capacity Problems of Public Transportation SystemReading Passage 3: Teen Driving Safety: A National PriorityReading Passage 4: Chicago Area Is Not Alone in Transit Woes, Survey Says Reading Passage 5: When Public Transit Ceases to Be PublicUnit Four Language (语言)Reading Passage 1: Language, Culture, and Health Care DeliveryReading Passage 2: Critical PeriodReading Passage 3: Languages of the WorldReading Passage 4: BabblingReading Passage 5: Baby TalkUnit Five Environmental Protection (环境保护)Reading Passage 1: A Growing Coral CrisisReading Passage 2: Acid Rain: What's the Solution?Reading Passage 3: Paper Recycling Process Benefits Environment and ProfitsReading Passage 4: Handle with CareReading Passage 5: Is the World Really Coming to an End?Unit Six Animals (动物)Reading Passage 1: The Animal KingdomReading Passage 2: Life in the WaterReading Passage 3: Bandit Birds: CrowsReading Passage 4: BeesReading Passage 5: The ABC's of Adaptation: Staying AliveUnit Seven Architecture (建筑)Reading Passage 1: A New Expansion Plan of the Whitney Museum of American ArtReading Passage 2: Forgotten Designers: Homes Built by WomenReading Passage 3: Students Master the Art of BuildingReading Passage 4: Heads up! Roofs in Traditional Chinese ArchitectureReading Passage 5: A Brief Introduction to Traditional Chinese Architecture Unit Eight Social Issues (社会问题)Reading Passage 1: Rising Fuel PricesReading Passage 2: What Goes Wrong with Our Math Education?Reading Passage 3: University Teachers Became JoblessReading Passage 4: Rising Food PricesReading Passage 5: World Bank's Poverty Estimates RevisedUnit Nine Medical Science (医疗卫生)Reading Passage 1: Smoking and CancerReading Passage 2: A Map for Smart EatingReading Passage 3: AIDS: the Nation's Worst Public-health ProblemReading Passage 4: Identical TwinsReading Passage 5: GenesUnit Ten Agriculture, Industry and Commerce (农、工、商)Reading Passage 1: Paper and Its UsesReading Passage 2: Personnel RecruitingReading Passage 3: Business EthicsReading Passage 4: Scientists Make Plants Grow FasterReading Passage 5: GlassUnit Eleven Education (教育)Reading Passage 1: Teacher-pupil Relations in the Digital AgeReading Passage 2: Melbourne University PrivateReading Passage 3: Computers Change LearningReading Passage 4: The Diploma ProgramReading Passage 5: Music on the MindUnit Twelve Science and Technology (科学技术)Reading Passage 1: Voice Recognition Goes RealReading Passage 2: Tomorrow's TelephonesReading Passage 3: Office Space: Designing Your Next OfficeReading Passage 4: Millennium Seed Bank ProjectReading Passage 5: Upward Bound: Tales of Space Station AlphaIELTS Reading Tests雅思阅读模拟试题Test 1Reading Passage 1: Where Have All the Bees Gone?Reading Passage 2: Rocking the HouseReading Passage 3: Sweeeet! The Skinny on Sugar SubstitutesTest 2Reading Passage 1: Chew for HealthReading Passage 2: How Do Animals Spend the Winter?Reading Passage 3: Who Built the Pyramids and Why?Test 3Reading Passage 1: Sleepwalking——Fact or FancyReading Passage 2: Born Bad?Reading Passage 3: Hothouse EarthAnswer Key 答案IELTS Reading ActivitiesIELTS Reading TestsIELTS Reading Answer Sheet

阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 节选


阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 相关资料

插图:Earthquakes in HistoryThe scientific study of earthquakes is comparatively new.Until the 18th century,few factual descriptions of earthquakes were recorded,and the natural cause of earthquakes was little under stood.Those who did look for natural causes often reached conclusions that seem fanciful today;one popular theory was that earthquakes were caused by air rushing out of caverns deep in the Earth’S interior。The earliest earthquake for which we have descriptive information occurred in China in1 177 B.C.The Chinese earthquake catalog describes several dozen large earthquakes in China during the next few thousand years.Earthquakes in Europe are mentioned as eady as 580 B.C.,but the earliest for which we have some descriptive information occurred in the mid-16thcentury.The earliest known earthquakes in the Americas were in Mexico in the late 14thcentury and in Peru in 1471.but descriptions of the effects were not well documented.By the17thcentury,descriptions of the effects of earthquakes were being published around the wodd——ahhough these accounts were often exaggerated or distorted。The most widely felt earthquakes in the recorded history of North America were a seriesthat occurred in 1811-1812 near New Madrid,Missouri.A great earthquake,whose magnitudeis estimated to be about 8.occurred on the morning of December 16,1811.Another great earthquake occurred on January 23,1812,and a third,the strongest yet’on February 7,1812.Afiershocks were nearly continuous between these great earthquakes and continued for months after wards.These earthquakes were felt by people as far away as Boston and Denver.Becausethe most intense effects were in a sparsely populated region,the destruction of human life and property was slight.If just one of these enormous earthquakes occurred in the same area today,millions of people and buildings and other structures worth billions of dollars would

阅读专题特训+高频词汇快速突破 作者简介

