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所属丛书: 外国文学研究丛书
开本: 32开 页数: 208
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诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787308069410
  • 条形码:9787308069410 ; 978-7-308-06941-0
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 本书特色


诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 目录

IntroductionChapter One A Survey of Ecocriticism1.1 The Background of Ecocriticism1.2 The Birth and Growth of Ecocriticism1.3 The Definition of Ecocriticism1.4 The Theoretical Connotation of Ecocriticism1.4.1 The Theoretical Resources of Ecocriticism1.4.2 Summary of the Theoretical Connotation of Ecocriticism1.5 The Critical Strategy and Critical Methodology of Ecocriticism1.6 The Significance of EcocriticismChapter Two The Origin of Thoreau's Ecological Ideas2.1 Concord——The Living Environment of Thoreau's Childhood2.2 The Tradition of Concord and American Culture2.3 The Influence of American Transcendentalism2.4 The Influence of American Indian Culture2.5 The Influence of Oriental CultureChapter Three Thoreau's Reflection on Natural Ecology3.1 Highlighting the Existence of Nature: Depiction of Nature's Instrumental Value3.1.1 The Aesthetic Value of Nature3.1.2 The Recreational Value of Nature3.2 Dismantling the Dichotomy between Man and Nature: Depiction of Nature's Inherent Value3.2.1 The Multiplicity of Nature3.2.2 The Subjectivity of Nature3.3 Re-constructing the Relationship between Nature and Man:Harmony between Them3.3.1 Nature as Mother of Humanity, and as an Interdependent and Interconnected Organic Whole3.3.2 Man as Part of Nature3.3.3 The Harmonious Interaction between Nature and HumanChapter Four Thoreau's Concern over Social Ecology4.1 Critique of the Hierarchical Domination of Society4.1.1 Critique of the Slavery System4.1.2 Thoreau's Anti-War Stance4.2 Attitude towards Science: Combination ofScience with Poetry4.2.1 Critique of the Limitations of Science4.2.2 Attributing Poetic Color to Scientific Method4.3 Balanced Development between Nature and CivilizationChapter Five Thoreau's Meditation upon Spiritual Ecology5.1 A Brief Discussion of the Terms of Spirit and Spiritual Ecology5.2 Critique of People's Swelling Avarice for Material Things5.3 Cultivation of Spiritual Ecology5.3.1 Emphasis on Spiritual Aspiration5.3.2 Advocacy of Harmony between People's Physical and Spiritual Life5.4 The Interaction between Spiritual and Natural Ecology5.4.1 Preserving Rather Than Devastating Nature5.4.2 Revering and Appreciating Rather Than Ignoring NatureConclusionWorks CitedPostscript

诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 节选


诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 相关资料

From the above, we see that Chinese culture, especially the doctrines of Confucius produced a deep impact on Thoreau's ecological ideas on nature, society, and human spirit. Besides, the Indian culture also influenced Thoreau. According to Robert Kuhn McGregor, Thoreau had been showing deep interest in Eastern books since the 1840s. He studied the Bhagvat Greeta during his stay at Walden Pond. In September 1849, he borrowed a two-volume French translation of one of the key works of Hindu religion, the Mahabharata, from the Harvard Library, along with a history of Hindu literature, and examined the Mahabharata——which collected a wide assortment of vedas, prayers, cautionary tales, laws, and other material. In the next year and a half, Thoreau borrowed the Vishnu Purana and the Sankya Karika, both works devoted largely to the proper living of one's life. The major influence of Hindu thought upon Thoreau lies in the following two aspects. First, the moral element of Hindu thought and the emphasis on spiritual attainment are interesting to him. And secondly, no less appealing to him was the Hindu vision of the creation of the world, which indicates that the universe, in both its spiritual and sensual aspects, emanates directly from God; and the physical world is in a state of constant flux; and that every thing produced in nature, whether animate or inanimate, is produced from the union of matter and spirit, and Gods in all things are the same (McGregor 96-99). Upon reading the Hindu literature, Thoreau developed a view of nature unique in the Western society of his time. He believed that spirit existed in all the natural entities on earth, and the spiritual and natural world were inseparable. Free from the utilitarian and mechanical view of nature, he insisted on the omnipresence of spirit, and looked upon nature as a complete and interrelated whole rather than a series of carefully delineated and discrete parts (McGregor 100). And according to Christy, such aspe

诗意栖居:亨利.大卫.梭罗的生态批评 作者简介

