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全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试辅导丛书英语口译全真模拟试题及解析 版权信息

全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试辅导丛书英语口译全真模拟试题及解析 节选

Part I
A. Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or
    false.  After hearing a short passage,  blacken the letter "A" on the Machine-scoring
    ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true, or the letter " B" if you think it is false.
    There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 1 point for each statement. You will hear the
    passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.
1. Mr. Hooper has been with the company for seven years.
2. Mr. Hooper has worked hard and has been very loyal to the company.
3. The speaker needs more money because he wants to buy a car and a house.
4. The speaker is not satisfied with his current salary.
5. Mr. Hooper didn't show enough initiative and enthusiasm.
6. A company has at least an obligation to pay its employee to live on.
7. As an employee, Mr. Hooper could not make both ends meet.
8. Mr. Hooper did not pay his employees enough to live on.
9. The company is run by Mr. Hooper's wife.
10. The speaker failed to demand a raise and decided to quit.
B. Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the
    meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring
    ANSWER SHEET. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 1 point for each question.
 You will hear each statement only once.
11. Which of the following most probably means what you've just heard?
     A. It was coffee that Catherine drank.
     B. Catherine disliked to drink this kind of coffee.
     C. Is this the coffee that Catherine drank?
     D. What did Catherine drink with her coffee?
12. How did they get there?
     A. They started to look for the subway station.
     B. They would rather drive than go by subway.
     C. They went by subway because the car wasn't working.
     D. They drove so they wouldn't have to go by subway.
13. What has the speaker been doing recently?
     A. I would like to go to the football' stadium more frequently than I do now.
     B. My football team has recently won a couple of matches at that stadium.
     C. Lately, I've been watching TV rather than going to the football stadium.
     D. I don't watch football matches on TV as frequently as I used to.
14. Could you describe the speaker's recent activity?
     A. He's never lonely, for he has worked in his own company.
     B. He started a business after he had gained some experience.
    C. He's upset about his own business for three years.
    D. He needed to spend three more years working with the IT finn.
15. What does the speaker mean?
    A. Isn't he standing outside the concert hall?
    B. The concert hall in the city isn't new.
    C. Is the concert hall still standing?
    D. The new concert hall is excellent.
16. Which of the following is TRUE about the general manager and his assistants?
    A. He has more assistant working part-time than he had expected.
    B. His assistants occasionally do more than the required amount of work.
    C. His assistants get him to help them with their work from time to time.
     D. He has so much work that he forgets to help his colleagues now and then.
 17. What does the speaker mean?
     A. What would be the cost of your project?
     B. How much will it cost by the time you carry out the project?
     C. You know what your project would include.
     D. That project of yours is very expensive.
 18. Which of the following best shows the speaker's feeling?
     A. We won a very close competition.
     B. Our firm is the best one by far.
     C. It's a pity we didn't open a downtown office.
     D. Their fh'm didn't open even one branch office downtown.
19. What does the speaker mean?
     A. Everyone has more enthusiasm than she does.
     B. She's the most enthusiastic person I know.
     C. She's no more enthusiastic than the others.
     D. Nobody has any enthusiasm in the promotion.
20. Which of the following is TRUE about the man?
     A. He didn't suspect that she already knew his past.
     B. He realized that she knew very few about him.
     C. He suspected her because she knew almost everything.
     D. He suspected her past.
Part II
Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening
the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.  You may need to scribble a
few notes to answer the questions. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And
each question carries 2 points. You will hear each passage only once. At the end of the recording
of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions.
