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新编旅游英语-(含光盘两张) 版权信息

新编旅游英语-(含光盘两张) 内容简介


新编旅游英语-(含光盘两张) 目录

module 1 transport
 unit 1
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: marco polo and his travels
part ⅲ simulated writing: speech of welcome
 unit 2
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: guiding principles of intercultural communication
part ⅲ simulated writing: letter of inquiry
 unit 3
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: transportation in china
part ⅲ simulated writing: advertisement
 unit 4
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: magnificent china tour
part ⅲ simulated writing: a letter of thanks

module 2 accomondation
 unit 5
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: the hotel of future
part ⅲ simulated writing: registration forms
 unit 6
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: caneer paths and opportunities in the hotel or lodging business/49
part ⅲ simulated writing: agenda of meeting
module 3 catering
 unit 7
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: eight cuisines in china
part ⅲ simulated writing: menu
 unit 8
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: food tourism is on the boll
part ⅲ simulated writing: reply to letter of complaint
 unit 9
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: about tea
part ⅲ simulated writing: letter of invitation
module 4 sightseeing
 unit 10
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: travel agency
part ⅲ simulated writing: scheduled itinerary
 unit 11
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: world heritage site
part ⅲ simulated writing: notice
 unit 12
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: heritage gardens in suzhou
part ⅲ simulated writing: letter of job application
 unit 13
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: the great wall revisited
part ⅲ simulated writing: e-mail
 unit 14
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: travel agency management/128
part ⅲ simulated writing: letter of recommendation /135
module shopping
 unit 15
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: shopping malls
part ⅲ simulated writing: order form
 unit 16
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: chinese embroidery/148
part ⅲ simulated writing: claim letter
module 6 entertainment
 unit 17
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: walt disney world resort
part ⅲ simulated writing: memorandum
 unit 18
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: beijing opera
part ⅲ simulated writing: writings based on tables and graphs
 unit 19
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: the development and features of chinese philosophy
part ⅲ simulated writing: a message or note/183
 unit 20
part ⅰ listening and speaking
part ⅱ basic reading: sustainable tourism
part ⅲ simulated writing: resume
frequently asked questions on emergencies & their contingency measures
key to the exercises

新编旅游英语-(含光盘两张) 节选


新编旅游英语-(含光盘两张) 相关资料

Such assumptions stem from potentially devastating ignorance and can lead to much frustration for members of both cultures Entering a culture with this type of ethnocentrism, the assumption your own culture is correct, is another byproduct of ignorance and cultural misunderstanding. Main types of misunderstanding are Language
Even when two people think they can speak each other's language, the chance of error is high Usages and contextual inferences may be completely different between cultures. So even though one speaker may have learned the vocabulary of the other's language, selecting the most appropriate words, with the correct intonation, spoken with appropriate eye contact while standing a proper distance from the other are all critical even before one considers the propriety of the topic to be discussed. Rights, values, and needs
Some cultural characteristics will be easy to identify, e.g. whether people are conscious of status or make displays of material wealth. But many rights are assumed, values are implied, an d needs are unspoken, (e.g. for safety, security, love, a sense of belonging to a group, self-esteem, and the ability to attain one's goals).
For example, issues of personal security, dignity, and control will be very different as between an a bled and a disabled person. Similarly, there may be problems of respect when a person from a rigidly class-based culture meets a meritocrat2, or where there is racism, sexism or religious intolerance in play. In such situations, identity is fundamental when disputing the proper role or "place" of the other, about who is in control of their lives, and how they present themselves to the outside world. But the reality is more deeply rooted in power relationships: about who is on top of the social, economic, and/or political hierarchy. Family members or long term rivals may be obsessed with their mutual competition. The relationships between racial or ethnic groups may be affected by economi
