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北京名胜游览 版权信息

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北京名胜游览 作者简介

朱歧新,Professor Zhu Qixin is recognized by many as a celebrated English writer on travel and tourism and China's leadingexpert on it and has devoted considerable study to the arts and cultural heritage of the native China. Born on June 7,1938 in Liyang, Jiangsu province, and graduated in 1965from the English Language and Literature Specialty of the Foreign Languages and Literature Department of NanjingUniversity, Professor Zhu Qixin, an indefatigable writer, is the author of a dozen books on travel and tourism in English, including Places of Interest in Beijing, Be,jingPractical Handbook, A Co//ect/on of Cho/ce Specimensfrom Chinese Culture, A Primer for English-Speaking Guides, The Sights of Beijing, and The Sights of Ch/na. Heserved as English speaking interpreter for China International Travel Service (CITS) Head Office and Beijingbranch of CITS, vice-section chief of Beijing branch of CITS, deputy chief of Tourism DMsion of Beijing TourismAdministration, vice-president and president of China CMIInternational Tourist Corporation, part-time professor of Nankai University and member of China NationalStandardization Technical Committee on Tourismappointed by China Technical Supervision Administration.In 1998, Professor Zhu was listed in who's who inChangzhou area, Jiangsu province. In 1999, he won the bid and was authorized by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO) through the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP)based in Beijing to translate theTumen River Area Development Programme (Brochure"The Tumen River Area-New Horizons in Travel")in to Chinese. Invited by Beijing Tourism Administration, Professor Zhu was one of the leading experts from home and abroad on the selection panel for "Greeting Olympicsand Unfolding Elegant Demeanour" 2nd, 3rd and 4thBeijing Guide TV Competitions in 2004/06/07 and was responsible for setting English questions. Entrusted by the Cultural Committee (Tourism Bureau) of Beijing's Xuanwu District, Professor Zhu translated all the captions of the Beijing Xuannan Culture Museum into English in 2005.
