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英文原版18-The Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn(哈克巴里芬历险记)

英文原版18-The Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn(哈克巴里芬历险记)

作者:Mark Twain
开本: 32开
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英文原版18-The Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn(哈克巴里芬历险记) 版权信息

  • ISBN:57040611185
  • 条形码:57040611185
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:

英文原版18-The Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn(哈克巴里芬历险记) 内容简介

One of literatures most famOUS characters. the inImltable Huck Finn, recounts his adyentures after he runs away from his viOllent,drunken father and meets an escaped slave called jim Together they fIoat down the Mississippi River on a makeshift raft,enCountering danger hypocrlsy,injustice.and ridlculous feuds between neigihbOurS aS well as S0me true kindness and generosity of spirit
Huck is an innocent,VieWing the world in a straightforward,uneducated way that allows Twain to satirize the absurdltles of slave- owning society and the contradictions of those Who cIaim tO be Christian yet don'tlive their lives in a wholesome way,This is Twain's masterpiece,an hiIarious readand one of the greatest Works of American fiction of all timd。

英文原版18-The Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn(哈克巴里芬历险记) 作者简介

Samudl Clemens who was borm in 1835 in Missouri,wrote under the pen name Mark Twain,which was a riverboat pilot's cry meaning "two fathoms" After his father's death in 1847,he worked as a printer’s apprentice a riverboat piIot and a journalist for his brother's newspaper and several other west coast magazines
ln 1867 his first book a collection Of short stories established his reputalion for dry humour,and it was confirmed by The lnnocents Abroad(1869) composed of lelters home from a tour Of the Mediterrane an that poked fun at European customs and American tounsts. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published in 1876,followed by The Prince and The Pauper in 1881 and The
Duing the l890s,he lost most of his money and launched into a world Iecture tour to try and slay arloart but the death of his wife and two of his three daughters left him bitter and depressed.He retained his sharp wit to the end,making him one of the most quoted human beings eVer in 1897,he sent a cable to a newspaper that had prematureIy run his obituaty saying "The report of my death was an exaggeration". His reaI death came in 1910.
