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写作教程第三册学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544602112
  • 条形码:9787544602112 ; 978-7-5446-0211-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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写作教程第三册学生用书 本书特色


写作教程第三册学生用书 目录

UNIT 1 FIRST-PERSON NARRATIONPART Ⅰ LFADINTask 1:An Experience of Selling SomethingPART Ⅱ SAMPLE WRITINGDreamhouseTask 2:Comprehension and StyleTask 3:Writing a CritiquePART Ⅲ WRITING TECHNIQUESTypes Of NarrationThe Elements of a NarrativeSelection of DetailsFirst-Person NarrationRevising First.Person NarrationUnit SummaryPART Ⅳ IN.CLASS ACTIVmESTask 4:Battle RoyalTask 5:Elements of the Story“Homc Stretch”Task 6:Detail Selection in“Dreamhouse”PART Ⅴ AFTER-CLAsS ACTIVITIESTask 7:The Best/Worst of TimesTask 8:Narrating Your Own ExperienceTask 9:Technology and ITask 10:Other Topics for First-Person NarrationUNIT 2 THIRD-PERSON NARRATIONPART Ⅰ LRAD-INTask 1:Reaction to the News of DeathPART Ⅱ SAMPLE WRITINGThe Story of an HourPART III WRITING TECHNIQUESOrganizing a NarrativeThe Plot Diagram Flashbacks and FlashforwardsThird-Person NarrationUsing Dialogue in NarrationUnit SummaryPART IV IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 4: Plot Structure of "The Story of an Hour"Task 5: The Last Moments of the TitanicTask 6: Elements of the Story "Wine on the Desert".Task 7: Write a Fictional DialoguePART V AFTER-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 8: Reinvention of an Old StoryTask 9: A Biographical SketchTask 10: Recount HistoryTask 11: Other Topics for Third-Person NarrationUNIT 3 DESCRIPTION OF A PLACEPART I LEAD-INTask 1: The Sounds of Your CityPART II SAMPLE WRITINGThe Sounds of the CityTask 2: Comprehension and StyleTask 3: Writing a CritiquePART III WRITING TECHNIQUESPurposeAudienceSelecting DetailsConcrete Sensory Details Arranging DetailsUnit SummaryPART IV IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 4: Building Descriptive SentencesTask 5: Brainstorming Sensory WordsTask 6: Labeling Sensory DetailsTask 7: Drafting a Descriptive ParagraphPART V AFTER,CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 8: Developing an EssayTask 9: Writing an EssayTask 10: Describing Your CampusUNIT 4 DESCRIPTION OF A PERSON PART I LEAD-INTask 1: An Encounter with a StrangerPART II SAMPLE WRITINGTwo Gentlemen of the PinesTask 2: Picture DrawingTask 3: Comprehension and StyleTask 4: Writing a CritiquePART III WRITING TECHNIQUESDescribing Your Subject's Physical AppearanceDescribing Your Subject's SpeechDescribing Your Subject's Behavior and AnecdotesUsing Concrete Sensory DetailsUnit SummaryPART IV IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 5: Appearance Introduces the CharacterTask 6: Speech Reveals the CharacterTask 7: Anecdotes Explain the CharacterTask 8: The Power of DetailsTask 9: A Crossword PuzzleTask 10: Describing a Crime SuspectTask 11: Self-lmage and Public ImagePART V AFTER-CLASS ACTIVITIES ""Task 12: My Self-Image and Public ImageTask 13: Topics for a Descriptive EssayUNIT 5 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE: DESCRIBING SCENIC SPOTSPART I LEAD-INTask 1: Describing a Scenic SpotPART II SAMPLE WRITINGSample 1:漓江Sample 2: Li RiverSample 3: Li RiverTask 2: Comprehension and StyleTask 3: Writing a CritiquePART III WRITING TECHNIQUESIntercultural Communicative CompetenceDifferences between Chinese and English WritingFlexibility in Writing in EnglishUnit Summary PART IV IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 4: Revising DescriptionTask 5: Writing a Scenic DescriptionPART V AFTER-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 6: Investigating a Scenic Spot and Writing a Description of It UNIT 6 EXPOSITION BY EXAMPLE AND DEFINITIONSECTION 1 EXPOSITION BY EXAMPLEPART I LEAI-INTask 1: Drawbacks of Technological AdvancesPART II SAMPLE WRITINGOne Step Forward and Two Steps BackTask 2: Comprehension and StyleTask 3: Writing a CritiquePART III WRITING TECHNIQUESOrganizationSources CoherenceSection SummaryPART IV IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 4: Comparing ParagraphsTask 5: Completing the OutlineTask 6: Choosing Thesis StatementsTask 7: Writing IntroductionsTask 8: Drafting a ParagraphTask 9: Revising the ParagraphTask 10: Reading and Answering QuestionsPART V AFTER-CLASS ACTIVITIESTask 11: Writing an EssaySECTION 2 EXPOSITION BY DEFINITIONPART I LEAD-INTask 1: Defining a TermPART II SAMPLE WRITINGUNIT 7 EXPOSITION BY PROCESS AND CAUSE-EFFECTUNIT 8 EXPOSITION BY CIVISION-CLASSIFICATION AND COMPARISONCONTRASTUNIT 9 COESIVE DEVICES(1):LOGICAL AND GRAMMATICAL COHESIONUNIT 10 SYNOPSISUNIT 11 BOOK REPORTUNIT 12 FORMAL LETTERSUNIT 13 TERM PAPERUNIT 14 COHESIVE DEVICES(2):LEXICAL COHESIONUNIT 15 ARGUMENTATION(1)UNIT 16 ARGUMENTATION(2)UNIT 17 ARGUMENTATION(3)UNIT 18 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION:REGISTER VARIATION AND THOUGHT PATTERNSPEFERENCES

写作教程第三册学生用书 节选


写作教程第三册学生用书 相关资料

插图:The job I took after my freshman year at college was certainly satisfying in terms ofpay and schedule. This job, in the office of a vocational center for women, attracted memainly because the pay was so good. As for the schedule, I never had to arrive earlier than9 A.M. or leave later than 5 P.M. After about a week in this job, however, I was bored.Since ! did not have a social work degree or counseling experience, I was not allowed towork with clients. Instead, my duties were to handle the office's paperwork. I keyboardedand filed correspondence and filled out countless forms. I soon realized that the good payand the pleasant schedule didn't make up for my general job dissatisfaction. The timeseemed to creep by.When I began my job hunt at the end of my second year in college, I looked less at thepay and schedule of available jobs and more at whether the jobs had any people contact.Luckily, I found what ! had been looking for in a job waiting on tables at the local coffeeshop. Compared to the office job, waiting on tables did not shine in terms of pay or sched-ule. Although my average weekly pay was roughly equal to my office salary, the pay variedfrom week to week because 1 depended on tips for much of my income. Additionally, myschedule was more hectic~ than the office schedule had been. The hours were longer, and worked odd shifts~ that changed from week to week. Even with the unpredictable payand hour, however, I enjoyed my job. Juggling~ different tasks and being on my feet allday were demanding, but time passed very quickly. Moreover, the job gave me ample op-portunity to use my skills with people. I loved the contact I had with customers. These fa-vorable working conditions far outweighed the disadvantages of less steady pay and morestrenuous work than my old office job.Now when I look for jobs, I consider three factors: pay, schedule, and job satisfac-tion. My office job offered good p
