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工程合同管理(双语) 版权信息

工程合同管理(双语) 内容简介

Chapter 1 Introduction
 1.1 Construction industry
 1.2 Construction project
 1.3 Construction markets
 1.4 Participants in construction industry
 1.5 Building and engineering procedure
 1.6 Context of construction projects
Chapter 2 Procurement of Works
 2.1 Procurement of works
 2.2 Procurement management
 2.3 Procurement planning
 2.4 Procurement methods
 2.5 Contracting planning
Chapter 3 Tendering Procedure
 3.1 Request for seller responses
 3.2 Tender documents
 3.3 Inviting for tenders
 3.4 Contractor'' s planning
 3.5 Preparation of tender
 3.6 Selecting a contractor
Chapter 4 Contract Administration
 4.1 Contract formation
 4.2 Pre-contract arrangements
 4.3 Contract administration
 4.4 Contract documents and their priority
 4.5 Contract administration during construction
 4.6 Division of responsibility
 4.7 Inputs to contract administration
 4.8 Tools and techniques for contract administration
Chapter 5 Risk Management
 5.1 Risk with construction projects
 5.2 Risk identification
 5.3 Risk analysis
 5.4 Allocation of risks
 5.5 Risk response planning
 5.6 Contract strategy
 5.7 Allocation of risks under the Red Book
Chapter 6 Contractor''s Site Organization and A/E''s Site Supervision
 6.1 Arrangements prior to commencement
 6.2 Contractor'' s organizational structure
 6.3 Site layout
 6.4 Planning and monitoring
 6.5 Resource scheduling
 6.6 Costing and accounting arrangements
 6.7 Usage and costing of contractor''s equipment
 6.8 Safety aspects
 6.9 A/E'' s site supervision
Chapter 7 Measurement,Valuation and Payment
 7.1 Method of measurement
 7.2 Measurement of work executed and cost records
 7.3 Daywork
 7.4 Certificates and payments
 7.5 Adjustments of contract price
 7.6 Delay damages
Chapter 8 Contractors'' Claims and Their Settlement
 8.1 Introduction
 8.2 Definition and types of claims
 8.3 Procedure for claims
 8.4 Justifying claims by contract
 8.5 Additional loss or expense
 8.6 Disruption due to variations
 8.7 Preparation of claims
 8.8 Reducing of claims
Chapter 9 Contract Closure
 9.1 Discharge of a contract
 9.2 Discharge of contract under FIDIC Red Book
 9.3 Contract closure
Appendix Clause Headings of the Red Book

工程合同管理(双语) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
 1.1 Construction industry
 1.2 Construction project
 1.3 Construction markets
 1.4 Participants in construction industry
 1.5 Building and engineering procedure
 1.6 Context of construction projects
Chapter 2 Procurement of Works
 2.1 Procurement of works
 2.2 Procurement management
 2.3 Procurement planning
 2.4 Procurement methods
 2.5 Contracting planning
Chapter 3 Tendering Procedure
 3.1 Request for seller responses
 3.2 Tender documents
 3.3 Inviting for tenders
 3.4 Contractor' s planning
 3.5 Preparation of tender
 3.6 Selecting a contractor
Chapter 4 Contract Administration
 4.1 Contract formation
 4.2 Pre-contract arrangements
 4.3 Contract administration
 4.4 Contract documents and their priority
 4.5 Contract administration during construction
 4.6 Division of responsibility
 4.7 Inputs to contract administration
 4.8 Tools and techniques for contract administration
Chapter 5 Risk Management
 5.1 Risk with construction projects
 5.2 Risk identification
 5.3 Risk analysis
 5.4 Allocation of risks
 5.5 Risk response planning
 5.6 Contract strategy
 5.7 Allocation of risks under the Red Book
Chapter 6 Contractor's Site Organization and A/E's Site Supervision
 6.1 Arrangements prior to commencement
 6.2 Contractor' s organizational structure
 6.3 Site layout
 6.4 Planning and monitoring
 6.5 Resource scheduling
 6.6 Costing and accounting arrangements
 6.7 Usage and costing of contractor's equipment
 6.8 Safety aspects
 6.9 A/E' s site supervision
Chapter 7 Measurement,Valuation and Payment
 7.1 Method of measurement
 7.2 Measurement of work executed and cost records
 7.3 Daywork
 7.4 Certificates and payments
 7.5 Adjustments of contract price
 7.6 Delay damages
Chapter 8 Contractors' Claims and Their Settlement
 8.1 Introduction
 8.2 Definition and types of claims
 8.3 Procedure for claims
 8.4 Justifying claims by contract
 8.5 Additional loss or expense
 8.6 Disruption due to variations
 8.7 Preparation of claims
 8.8 Reducing of claims
Chapter 9 Contract Closure
 9.1 Discharge of a contract
 9.2 Discharge of contract under FIDIC Red Book
 9.3 Contract closure
Appendix Clause Headings of the Red Book