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刘九庵书画坚定文集 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787501020706
  • 条形码:9787501020706 ; 978-7-5010-2070-6
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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刘九庵书画坚定文集 内容简介

简介   故宫博物院研究员刘九庵先生曾任国家文物局文物咨议委员会委员、国家文物鉴定委员会常务委员、全国书画鉴定组组员,是著名的中国书画鉴定家。这部穴刘九庵书画鉴定文集》是他毕生研究成果的精粹,反映了他在中国书画鉴定方面所取得的多方面成就和卓越水平。    他的论文的一个重要的特点,就是所谈的问题大都非常具体、细致、专业化,使读者易于理解和掌握要领,具有可操作性。    著名书画鉴定家张珩先生曾说过“既想知真,必须知假。”刘九庵先生也特别强调书画鉴定中的辨伪与知真的问题,故其**篇论文《谈中国古代书画鉴定》即先从辨伪开始。他总结自己数十年研究心得,列举了摹、临、仿、代、改、造六种作伪的方法,详细举例,加以辨析,然后在余论中介绍如何知真,包括时代风气、个人特点等,并强调知真和辨伪相结合,纔能更好的把握书画鉴定工作。

刘九庵书画坚定文集 目录

Introduction to A Collection of Essays on the Authentication of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy by jiu jiu'anMany a Little Makes a Mickle,A Review of the Past Forges Open the FutureA Collection of Essays on the Authentication of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy by Liu Jiu'anA Discussion on the Authentication of Ancient Chinese Painting and CalligraphyThe Styles and Patterns of Signatures of Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and Their AuthenticationForged Inscriptions and Signatures on Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and Their IdentificationThe Names of Recipients on Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and Their AuthenticationA Brief Study of the Song Connoisseur-Collector of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy,Xiang ShuiAn Identification of Su Shi'S Notes from the plan Ilion Old Drunk in Running-Cursive ScriptA Discussion of Several Problems on Mi Fu's Self-Written Letters and Poems andHis Copies of Those of the Ancient MastersA Record of Song Colophons on the Imperial Certificate of Appointment of meTang Official,Fan SuiA Few Problems Concerning the Painting Scrolls Excavated from the Tomb of Zhu Tan The Calligraphy of Zhao MengfuCollected Studies ot the Calligraphy of Zhao MengfuAn Authentication of Three Paintings by Ni ZanAn Authentication of TWo Works of Calligraphy by Zhang Yu of Yuan DynastyPaintings on the Courtesy Names of the Wu School Painters and Examples for Their AuthenticationMing Calligraphy at the Height of the Study of Model-LettersFour Model Scrolls of Calligraphy of Ma Yu in the Collection of the Palace MuseumAn Authentication of the Works of Calligraphy by Wang ChongA Differentiation between ZhuYunming's Self-Written Poems in Cursive Scriptand the ForgeriesZhu Yunming and His Copies of Ancient Poems in the Styles of Six MastersAn Identification of the Biographies of Suzhou Personages in Chenghua PeriodCompiled by Zhu Yunming in Small-Seal ScriptAn Authentication of the Works by the Wulin,Huangshan and Xinan SchoolsReading Notes on Yuanji's Viewing the Waterfall at Cuijiao PeakA Verifation of the Author of Celebration of Birthday at Xilou as Shi Qian,not Shi TaoA Summar of Several Problems on Bada Shanren's Painting and CalligraphyA cmprehensive survey of jin Nong's Art of CalligraphyAn Examination and Analysis of the Paintings by Jin Nong and Those Done in His steadSome Trifles on Zhang Daqian's Forgery of Famous Works of Painting and Calligraphy and Their IdentificationA Few Evidential Proofs on Ming and Qing Ghostwriting of Painting and Calligraphy-some Anecdotes from LettersA Study of the Meaning of the Term "Zuochong”in Ming LettersA Ming Model-Letter on Riverside Scene at Qingming FestivalA Discussion of the Essay Entitied An Examination and Analysis of Shi Kefa sLetters and Other Matters"Ten Personal Letters of Lin ZexuEditor's Preface to The Masterpieces of Chinese Cultural RelicsPreface to selected Works of Ming and Qing Painting and Calligraphy in the Collection of Deng YongqingA Double Beauty of Language and Calligraphy Preface to Couplets by Modem Famous ExpertsAppendicesIllustrations of the Works of Painting and Calligraphy Donated by Liu Jiu'anBrief Chronology of Liu Jiu'anEpilogue

刘九庵书画坚定文集 节选

故宫博物院研究员刘九庵先生曾任国家文物局文物咨议委员会委员、国家文物鉴定委员会常务委员、全国书画鉴定组组员,是著名的中国书画鉴定家。这部穴刘九庵书画鉴定文集》是他毕生研究成果的精粹,反映了他在中国书画鉴定方面所取得的多方面成就和卓越水平。  他的论文的一个重要的特点,就是所谈的问题大都非常具体、细致、专业化,使读者易于理解和掌握要领,具有可操作性。  著名书画鉴定家张珩先生曾说过“既想知真,必须知假。”刘九庵先生也特别强调书画鉴定中的辨伪与知真的问题,故其**篇论文《谈中国古代书画鉴定》即先从辨伪开始。他总结自己数十年研究心得,列举了摹、临、仿、代、改、造六种作伪的方法,详细举例,加以辨析,然后在余论中介绍如何知真,包括时代风气、个人特点等,并强调知真和辨伪相结合,纔能更好的把握书画鉴定工作。

刘九庵书画坚定文集 作者简介

