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计算机英语 版权信息

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计算机英语 目录

CHAPTER 1 BASIC CONCEPT 1.1 Storage 1.1.1 Hard Disks 1.1.2 Floppy Disks 1.1.3 How Hard and Floppy Disks Work 1.1.4 Compact Disks 1.1.5 Uses of Floppy Disks 1.1.6 Uses of Compact Disks 1.2 Outer Hardware 1.2.1 The Basics 1.2.2 Input Devices 1.2.3 Output Devices Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Flash MemoryCHAPTER 2 HOW HARD DISKS WORK 2.1 Hard Disk Basics 2.2 Cassette Tape vs. Hard Disk 2.3 Capacity and Performance 2.4 Inside: Electronics Board 2.5 Inside: Beneath the Board 2.6 Inside: Platters and Heads 2.7 Storing the Data Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading How Tape Recorders WorkCHAPTER 3 HOW COMPUTER MONITORS WORK 3.1 The Basics 3.2 Display Technology Background 3.3 Display Technology: VGA 3.4 Display Technology: DVI 3.5 Viewable Area 3.6 Maximum Resolution and Dot Pitch 3.7 Refresh Rate 3.8 Color Depth 3.9 Power Consumption 3.10 Monitor Trends: Flat Panels Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Liquid crystal displayCHAPTER4 COMPUTER MICE 4.1 Evolution 4.2 The Optical Mouse Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Floppy Disk DrivesCHAPTER 5 HOW BITS AND BYTES WORK 5.1 Decimal Numbers 5.2 Bits 5.3 Bytes 5.4 Bytes: ASCH 5.5 Slandard ASCII Character Set 5.6 Lots of Bytes 5.7 Binary Math 5.8 Qaick Recap Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additio aal Reading How Boolean Logic WorksCHAPTER 6 MICROPROCESSORS 6.1 Microprocessor History 6.2 Microprocessor Progression 6.3 Inside a Microprocessor 6.4 Microprocessor Instructions 6.5 Decoding Microprocessor Instructions 6.6 Microprocessor Performance 6.7 Microprocessor Trends 6.8 64-bit Processors Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading E-CommerceCHAPTER 7 APPLICATION SOFTWARE 7.1 What is Software 7.2 Programming Languages 7.2.1 Assemblers 7.2.2 Compilers and interpreters 7.2.3 Nonprocedural Languages 7.3 Libraries 7.4 The Program Development Process 7.4.1 Problem Definition 7.4.2 Planning 7.4.3 Writing the Program 7.4.4 Debug and Documentation 7.4.5 Maintenance 7.5 Writing your Own Programs Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Computer software CHAPTER 8 COMPILER 8.1 Introduction to Compiler 8.2 Introduction and history 8.3 Types of compilers 8.4 Compiled vs interpreted languages 8.5 Compiler design 8.6 Compiler front end 8.7 Compiler back end 8.8 Notes 8.9 References Notes Keywords Exercise Relared Topics Additional Reading Assembly languageCHAPTER 9 HOW JAVA WORKS 9.1 A Little Terminology 9.2 Downloading the Java Compiler 9.3 Your First Program 9.4 Understanding What Just Happened Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading How Perl WorksCHAPTER 10 POSITIONING VISUAL C++ IN THE DESKTOP DATABASE MARKET Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading C++CHAPTER 11 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 11.1 Overview 11.2 Strong AI and weak AI 11.2.1 Strong artificial intelligence 11.2.2 Weak artificial intelligence 11.2.3 Philosophical criticism and support of strong AI 11.3 History Development of AI theory Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Alan TuringCHAPTER 12 NEURAL NETWORK 12.1 Structure 12.1.1 Models 12.1.2 Calculations 12.2 Advantages 12.3 Applications 12.3.1 Usefulness 12.3.2 Real life applications 12.4 Types of neural networks 12.4.1 Single-layer perceptron 12.4.2 Multi-layer perceptron 12.4.3 Recurrent network 12.4.4 Hopfield network 12.4.5 Boltzwann machine 12.4.6 Committee of machines 12.4.7 Instantaneously trained networks 12.4.8 Spiking neural networks 12.5 Relation to optimization techniques Notes Related Topics Keywords Exercise Additional Reading Genetic Algorithm CHAPTER 13 HOW DSL WORK 13.1 Telephone Lines 13.2 Asymmetrical DSL 13.3 Distance Limitations 13.4 Splitting the Signal: CAP 13.5 Splitting the Signal: DMT 13.6 DSL Equipment 13.7 DSL Equipment: Transceiver 13.8 DSL Equipment: DSLAM Notes Keywords Exercise ReEted Topics Additional Reading How Telephones WorkCHAPTER 14 INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE 14.1 A Network Example 14.2 Bridging The Divide 14.3 Backbones 14.4 Intemet Protocol: IP Addresses & Domain Name System 14.5 Uniform Resource Locators 14.6 Clients,Servers and Ports Notes Keywords Exercise ReLated Topics Additional Reading Modem DNS Uniform Resource Locator Client-serverCHAPTFR 15 HOW INTERNET SEARCH ENGINES WORK 15.1 Looking at the Web 15.1.1 An Itsy-Bitsy Beginning 15.1.2 Meta Tags 15.2 Building the Index 15.3 Building a Search 15.4 Future Search Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics AdcLitional Reading Internet ExplorerCHAPTER 16 ENCRYPTION 16.1 In the Key of 16.1.1 Symmetric Key 16.1.2 Public Key 16.2 Hash This 16.3 Are You Authentic Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Identity TheftCHAPTER 17 TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT THE DCE 17.1 Common threads 17.2 Remote calls 17.3 Directory services 17.4 Distributed Security Service 17.5 Distributed File System 17.6 Distributed time service 17.7 Extending andusing the DCE Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading How to Kerberize your siteCHAPTER 18 HOW MP3 FILES WORK 18.1 introduction to MP3 files 18.2 The MP3 Format 18.3 Using the MP3 Format 18.4 Downloading and Listening 18.5 Creating Your Own 18.6 Distributing Original Music Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Sound Cards USB PortsCHAPTER 19 SHOCKWAVE 3-D TECHNOLOGY 19.1 Uses of Shockwave Technology 19.2 Making 3-D Content Accessible 19.3 Developing New 3-D Content Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading Computer VirusesCHAPTER 20 HOW PLAYSTATION 2 WORKS 20.1 History 20.2 Console 20.3 Controller 20A Games Notes Keywords Exercise Related Topics Additional Reading How Video Game Systems Work