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LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利)

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利)

开本: 16开 页数: 250 页
中 图 价:¥37.4(5.5折) 定价  ¥68.0 登录后可看到会员价
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LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 版权信息

  • ISBN:711903474X
  • 条形码:9787119034744 ; 978-7-119-03474-4
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 内容简介

The China Society for People's Friendship Studies(PFS)in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing has arranged for re-publication,in the series entitled Light on China,of some fifty books written in English between the 1 860s and the founding years of the People's Republic,by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described.Most of these books have long been out of print, but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 目录

THE WHITE PAPER——FOREWORD1.MEMORIES COME CROWDING2.WHO ARE THE CHINESE COMMUNISTS?1.The City of Caves2.They Thought Back over History3.Mao Tztung4.He Charted a Path.5.How They Fought to the Sea3.THE POLITICAL STRATEGY1.“You’re Going to Get Lice2.The Bean in the Bowl3.Taxes-the“People’S Burden4.THE ECONOMIC POLICIES1.“Land to the Tiller2.The New Farmer3.Free Enterprise5.BUILDING THE NEW SOCIETY1.Schools Go to the People2.The Women Take Part3.The New Justice6.THE MILITARY STR ATEGY1.The Army Is Born from the Peasants2.Against Superior Arms3.How Government Goes Underground7.THE CHINESE CONQUER CHINA1.Manchurian Base2.The Peasants Take the Big Towns3.America’S Chance in China

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 节选

《中国人民胜利(英文版)》内容简介:The China Society for People’s Friendship Studies(PFS)in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing has arranged for re-publication,in the series entitled Light on China,of some fifty books written in English between the 1 860s and the founding years of the People's Republic,by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described.Most of these books have long been out of print, but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in China and abroad.

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 相关资料

Many Americans shuddered.“Is it Moscow’S power that marches?”But the victors came with American guns! They exulted by radio:“The strength of the Chinese people is mightier than the most excellent American weapons;we have captured the weapons sent against US.”They called themselves the Chinese People’S Liberation Army.They were the first Chinese in a hundred years who won without foreign advisers.Who was this Mao Tzetung who gave the order:“Advance to 1iberate the whole country……Defend the independence and integrity of Chinese territory and sovereignty,”and who“borrowed the east wind”for his boatmen? He was the son of a Chinese peasant;he had never been abroad.After a university study of the ancient Chinese classics and modem Western learning he had accepted the analytic methods of Karl Marx.He was a master in applying this analysis to Chinese conditions and the problems of the Chinese people.Blockaded for more than twenty years in the heart of China’S rural areas.he had planned and organized from a cave in the arid northwest for the victory of this day.He claimed to be carrying forward the revolution begun by Dr.Sun Yatsen and fulfilling his“Three People’S Principles”-People’s Nationalism. People’S Democracy,and People’S Livelihood——which,said Mao,“tallied” with the immediate program of the Chinese Communists.

LIGHT ON CHINA——Chinese Conquer China(中国人民胜利) 作者简介

