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大学体验英语-快速阅读教程4 版权信息

大学体验英语-快速阅读教程4 本书特色

本教程的编写以《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为依据。 本教程共四册,每册含18个单元,可供大学英语教学1~4学期使用。各册中每单元分Text A和Text B。每册配有“Introduction to Important ReadingSurategies and Skills”。本教程的编写采取“主题与技能”相结合的模式,即单元设置围绕内容主题,练习设计针对阅读技能与文章内容。**、二册练习包括多项选择与正误判断两种题型,第三、四册练习包括多项选择与简短问答两种题型。书后附有全书练习的参考答案。

大学体验英语-快速阅读教程4 目录

Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills i
Unit One Learning 1
Text A Learning and the Brain
Text B Corporate Learning
Unit Two Employer and Employee Satisfaction 9
Text A Telecommuting
1-ext B Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Unit Three SociaI Problems 17
Text A Workplace Violence is a Source of and Reaction to Stress
Text B Police Handling of Gangs
Unit Four Strategies 25
Text A What’S the Best Way for Society to Work with the World at Large?
Text B Effort and Strategy Use in Students with Learning Disabilities
Unit Five Traffic and Transportation 31
Text A What’s the Use?
Text B ShiftingGears
Unit Six National and InternationaI Politics 39
Text A Eu rope’s Food Fight
Text B Politics in America
Unit Seven New Technologies 47
Text A New Technologies Create New Problems
Text B A Thing Called Radar Wine
Unit Eight Competition 55
Text A Knowledge—Based Competition
Text B The Benefit of Market Knowledge
Unit Nine Energy 63
Text A Energy Sou rces and Uses
11e×t B A Lot of HOt AIr
Unit Ten Health 71
Text A Sunshine Before Bi rth Could Be Crucial for Brain Development
Text B New Data on Methylmercury and Fetuses
Unit Eleven Forest and Nature 79
Text A Making Mincemeat out of the Rainforest
Text B Tropical Fores~
Unit Twelve Ecosystem 87
Text A Can Ecosystems Be Restored?
Text B From Industry Revolution to Envi ronmental Revolution
Unit Thirteen Deserts 95
1-extA Deserts
1_ext B Sahara:A Sea Without Water
Unit Fourteen Tourist Attractions 103
Text A Grand Canyon National Park
Text B Scotland’S Royal Mile
Unit Fifteen Matters of Public Concern 111
Text A Privac$Neither Absolute Nor Highly Valued
Text B American Society on Aging
Unit Sixteen Invention 119
Text A Capturing an Image for All Time
Text B The Root of AIl Economics
Unit Seventeen Environment 127
Text A European Youth Face Envi ronmental Hazards
Text B Ozone,Natu rally?
Unit Eighteen Living Species 135
Text A Warming to Extinction
Text B Cold Water Corals Abound,As Do Threats
Answer Key 143
